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A multhithreaded application that answers queries about diseases infections

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Disease Aggregator

The aim of this project is to get familiarize with thread programming and network communication, get acquainted with creating proccesses making use of the fork/exec system calls, inter-process communication(IPC) via named pipes and signals making use of low-level I\O.

As part of this work i implemented a distributed information processing software that receives and asnwer queries about diseases infections. Specifically, three programms were implemented:

  1. a master program that creates a series of Worker processes
  2. a multi-threaded server that collects summary statistics from Worker procceses and queries from customers through network.
  3. a multithreaded Client program that creates threads, where each thread plays the role of a customer who will send queries to server.



First of all the application starts numWorkers Workers child processes and distributes subdirectories with the countries evenly to all worker proccesses and inform each Worker via named pipe for the subdirectories which he will be undertaken.

Each Worker process, for each catalog assigned to it, reads all its files in chronological order based on file names and fills a series of data structures( hashtables, linked lists, binary trees )that it will use for answer questions asked by the parent process. Upon finishing, each worker will send, via network, in the server proccess, summary statistics of the files he undertook.

The architectural design of data structures used for saving incoming data is depicted below

alt text

When this procedure finish, worker process receives queries via socket from the server and send the result back to him.

In the meantime, Parent process waits to fork a new Worker process in case an existing Worker suddenly terminates.


When the Server starts, the original thread creates numThreads threads. The main process thread is listening to queryPortNum and statisticsPortNum ports, accepts connections with the accept() system call and place the socket descriptors correspond to the connections in a circular buffer.

The job of server threads is to take a file descriptor form circular buffer, identify where the request came from(worker or client) and service that request. When the Server accepts a question from a client, it forwards it to the respective worker processes via socket and waits the answer from the workers. The question he promoted in a Worker process along with the answers that server receives from this Worker, are printed on stdout. Server also promotes the answer to corresponding thread of Client who asked the question


The multithreaded Client functions as follows. The main thread starts by reading the queryFile line by line. In each line there is an order for the server. For each command a new thread is being created that will undertake to send a command via socket to the server. Threads are created but not immediately connected to server. When all the threads of the thread pool have receive an order, then the threads should start all together to try to connect to the server and send their order.

When commands have been sent, each thread prints the answer it received from Server to stdout and terminates. When all the threads are finished, the client also terminates.

The overall architectural design of the Project is depicted below.

alt text

Compilation and Running



Execution with personalized parameters

 ./master –w numWorkers -b bufferSize –s serverIP –p serverPort -i input_dir

where -w is the number of worker proccesess, -b is the buffer size for reading trough named-pipes, -s is the IP address of the server, -p is the port that the server is listening and -i is the path of the input directory

 ./whoServer –q queryPortNum -s statisticsPortNum –w numThreads –b bufferSize

where -q is the port to communicate with client, -s the port to communicate with master, -w the number of thread and -b the size of the circular buffer

 ./whoClient –q queryFile -w numThreads –sp servPort –sip servIP

where -q is the name of the file which contains the queries, -w is the number of client's threads, -sp is the port the server is listening for connections with the client and -sip is the server's IP address


Create Directories

The input directory can me mannually created by running the bash script.


 ./ diseaseFile countriesFile input_dir numFilesPerDirectory numRecordsPerFile

Create Queries

Also there is an option to generate random queries that can be sent to the servers by running the python script




A multhithreaded application that answers queries about diseases infections







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