sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install mysql-client
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
sudo apt-get install php5 php-pear php5-mysql
sudo apt-get install php5-curl
sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install PyMySQL
sudo pip3 install selenium
sudo pip3 install oauth2client
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev (, libffi-dev)
sudo pip3 install PyOpenSSL
sudo pip3 install gspread
sudo pip3 install beautifulsoup4
sudo apt-get install xvfb
DISPLAY=:99 xvfb-run -a ./
mysql -u root -p
> create database odds
> exit
mysql -u root -p -h localhost odds < db/dump.sql
Change database user and password in config.php, line 25 Change database user and password in, line 170
Make sure all files are owned by the Apache group and user. In Ubuntu it is the www-data group and user
chown -R www-data:www-data /path/to/webserver/www
Next enabled all members of the www-data group to read and write files
chmod -R g+rw /path/to/webserver/www
sudo chmod a+x phantomjs-*
Create a new settings file for your new site. sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/site1.conf
Next, edit this settings file. sudoedit /etc/apache2/sites-available/site1.conf Change DocumentRoot /var/www to DocumentRoot /home/user/public_html.
Set server name.
Require all granted DirectoryIndex index.phpsudo a2dissite default && sudo a2ensite site1.conf
sudo systemctl restart apache2
sudo -u www-data python <script>
sudo pip3 install -I pyOpenSSl
Open /etc/sudoers and insert the following line at the end of the file
www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: <path to run-all>/run-all
sudo ./run-all
sudo DISPLAY=:99 xvfb-run -a ./wwin-all
test - only print scraped players (do not insert in database) save - only save html page(s) in htmls directory - parse pages stored in htmls directory
Please only those who have experience in extracting betting odds apply. This project is for personal use only, therefore aesthetics isn't important. I need an odds comparison data table that contains a database of specific odds from specific bookies. The odds are NBA player points ONLY and the list of bookies is below. You need to extract the odds by scraping or if you have bookie APIs. The data table needs to have:
- name of bookie,
- time of event, (single)
- player name,
- number of points,
- odds for over,
- odds for under
- and if possible team of player. (single)
Time of evend and team can be scraped from a single bookie. Output table has to be sortable by several levels. Default sort would be: player name, number of points, odds.
Of course, the output data table needs to be online so I can refresh the table when needed. Fetching can be manual. Below are the bookies that are needed and the best possible link that leads to NBA player points. Some bookies have the same link each day, some create links with event ids daily. I will upload the screenshots of several bookies so that you can easily see which odds are needed. Note: not all bookies have the same player name structure, so the database needs to match similar expressions.
Favbet: event example:
William Hill:
Orakulas: SELINIUM
Betfair: ODDS IN PERCENTAGES event example: FAIL
Bet top sport: NE NADZEM event example:
There are 4 more bookies that need to be fetched however those are already available in a data table done by a freelancer that had to give up before finishing. He gave me links and passwords to data and mysql tables as well as the code, so fetching/scraping them shouldn't be a problem.