orgpmp2 is a OpenRAVE plugin for GPMP2 (Gaussian Process Motion Planner 2) algorithm described in Motion Planning as Probabilistic Inference using Gaussian Processes and Factor Graphs (RSS 2016). Examples provided for WAM arm and PR2 use python scripts.
orgpmp2 is being developed by Mustafa Mukadam and Jing Dong as part of their work at Georgia Tech Robot Learning Lab and is a modified version of CHOMP openrave plugin.
Install ROS. We have tested ROS indigo.
Install OpenRAVE. If you have trouble compiling the original version, please check out and install our fork which has fixed few minor bugs.
Install GPMP2 core C++ library.
Install a few additional dependencies
sudo apt-get install gfortran libgsl0-dev python-enum
Initialize a catkin workspace (if you use a existing catkin workspace this step is not needed)
mkdir -p ~/gpmp2_catkin_ws/src cd gpmp2_catkin_ws/src catkin_init_workspace
Add orgpmp2, PrPy (python library for OpenRAVE), openrave_catkin (utility package for OpenRAVE) to
git clone git clone git clone
Compile the catkin workspace
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Before running the examples, the last step is setup the environment variables
source ~/gpmp2_catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Please use Github issue tracker to report bugs. For other questions please contact Mustafa Mukadam or Jing Dong.
If you use orgpmp2 or GPMP2 in an academic context, please cite following publications:
Author = "Jing Dong and Mustafa Mukadam and Frank Dellaert and Byron Boots",
booktitle = {Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS-2016)},
Title = "Motion Planning as Probabilistic Inference using Gaussian Processes and Factor Graphs",
year = {2016}
orgpmp2 is released under the GPL license, reproduced in the file license-gpl.txt in this directory.