Examples and usage of parallelism concepts in modern Java
- Java 17
- Gradle
- GraalVM's compilation option
The application processes the files in the directory, and computes which character is the most frequent for each file.
You can create the files used in the test by executing the following command:
This will create the 500 sample files in $HOME/tmp/sample-files. Feel free to customize it!
You can compile the application by running:
./gradlew build
Then, execute it with:
java -jar build/libs/java-parallelism-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
If you want to test a sequential version, run with the 's' argument:
java -jar build/libs/java-parallelism-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar s
You can also compile the application to a native executable with GraalVM by running:
./gradlew nativeCompile