Hello! I don't know why you are here, but if you have an feedback ( suggestions, bugs, feature requests), let me know so I can address it.
is still in early development, as you can see there are not too many things you can do with the code. But, this will change as I begin to add implementations of GES, GFCI, FOFC/FTFC and beyond.
Active Devlopment of New Features has halted while I undergo a review of the code and document what is implemented so far
Rough roadmap of major features:
- GES (July 2018)
- Realistically, this will first occur for SEMs and then Bayes Nets
- Latent Variable Models (August)
- FCI (September)
- FOFC (October)
Rougher roadmap of minor features:
- function to remove cycles from cgraphs
- mutator functions to safely add and delete edges/nodes from graphs
- function for d-separation test
- function to calculate the markov boundary/blanket of a node
- function to calculate partial correlations between variables
In the future I would like to add support for simulations, and using javascript to create interactive plots, with possible support for exporting to tikz (LaTeX)