NopCommand is a command line tool for NopCommerce.
- Command line to use services of NopCommerce.
- Generic Data Query for IRepotory Interface.
- Code generator for most service interface.
- Create a Tool directory under nop commerce src directory
- Copy NopCommand project to tool directory.
Copy Settings.txt from Nop.Web's App_Data directory.
unzip ,copy Settings.txt of your nopcommerce site. The binary was built with NopCommerce 3.9,which means it works with 3.9 version. If you want to support other version, use the source to build for the NopCommerce version.
Type ReadTable [TableName] [Id] [top] for example.
ReadTable Category 1
it returns Category with id =1, if id=-1, return all categories
"Name": "Computers",
"Description": null,
"CategoryTemplateId": 1,
"MetaKeywords": null,
"MetaDescription": null,
"MetaTitle": null,
"ParentCategoryId": 0,
"PictureId": 1,
"PageSize": 6,
"AllowCustomersToSelectPageSize": true,
"PageSizeOptions": "6, 3, 9",
"PriceRanges": null,
"ShowOnHomePage": false,
"IncludeInTopMenu": true,
"SubjectToAcl": false,
"LimitedToStores": false,
"Published": true,
"Deleted": false,
"DisplayOrder": 1,
"CreatedOnUtc": "2017-06-28T12:06:31.143",
"UpdatedOnUtc": "2017-06-28T12:06:31.143",
"AppliedDiscounts": [],
"Id": 1
opCommand> Help
it returns all the commands current supported in NopCommand
These commands mostly relate to Service interface defined in Nop.Services i.e TaxCommands -->ITaxService etc.
Help TopicCommands
returns all the sub commands for given command group
For simplicity and safety purpose, only read command for each Service interface currently supported in NopCommand
For most of the service interface defined in Nop.Services, There are about 4 different return types: -IPagedList -IList -T -Primitive or String
To save the time of copy and paste, NopCommand has a class named CommandCodeGenerator this class uses C# reflection to generate over 90% of code for above commands. four code template are defined
/// <summary>
/// The template type0
/// </summary>
public const string TemplateType0 =
TabSpace + TabSpace + TabSpace + "var [SERVICEVARIABLE] = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<[SERVICEINTERFACE]>();\r\n" +
TabSpace + TabSpace + TabSpace + "var [SERVICECOREVARIABLE] = [METHODNAME];\r\n" +
TabSpace + TabSpace + TabSpace + "var [VARIABLE] = AutoMapperConfiguration.Mapper.Map<[DESTINATIONTYPE]>([SERVICECOREVARIABLE]);\r\n" +
TabSpace + TabSpace + TabSpace + "return JsonConvert.SerializeObject([VARIABLE], Formatting.Indented);";
/// <summary>
/// The template type1
/// </summary>
public const string TemplateType1 =
TabSpace + TabSpace + TabSpace + "var [SERVICEVARIABLE] = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<[SERVICEINTERFACE]>();\r\n" +
TabSpace + TabSpace + TabSpace + "var [SERVICECOREVARIABLE] = [METHODNAME];\r\n" +
TabSpace + TabSpace + TabSpace + "var [VARIABLE] = [SERVICECOREVARIABLE].MapSourcePageList<[SOURCETYPE], [DESTINATIONTYPE]> (AutoMapperConfiguration.Mapper);\r\n" +
TabSpace + TabSpace + TabSpace + "return JsonConvert.SerializeObject([VARIABLE], Formatting.Indented, new PageListConverter<[DESTINATIONTYPE]>());"
/// <summary>
/// The template type2
/// </summary>
public const string TemplateType2 =
TabSpace + TabSpace + TabSpace + "var [SERVICEVARIABLE] = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<[SERVICEINTERFACE]>();\r\n" +
TabSpace + TabSpace + TabSpace + "var [SERVICECOREVARIABLE] = [METHODNAME];\r\n" +
TabSpace + TabSpace + TabSpace + "var [VARIABLE] = [SERVICECOREVARIABLE].MapSource<[SOURCETYPE], [DESTINATIONTYPE]>(AutoMapperConfiguration.Mapper);\r\n" +
TabSpace + TabSpace + TabSpace + "return JsonConvert.SerializeObject([VARIABLE], Formatting.Indented);";
/// <summary>
/// The template type3
/// </summary>
public const string TemplateType3 =
TabSpace + TabSpace + TabSpace + "var [SERVICEVARIABLE] = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<[SERVICEINTERFACE]>();\r\n" +
TabSpace + TabSpace + TabSpace + "var [SERVICECOREVARIABLE] = [METHODNAME];\r\n" +
TabSpace + TabSpace + TabSpace + "return JsonConvert.SerializeObject([SERVICECOREVARIABLE], Formatting.Indented);";
You can extend this class to support other service methods to generate all the command code.
The command framework uses ConsoleApplicationBase at