I'm currently coding this API to learn some concepts about developing APIs in Typescript. The goal is to have an API with some useful functionalities about adopting pets; like posting a pet for adoption, adopting a pet for someone, search for pets by species and genre and some other cool stuff.
I am actually using using Node, Typescript and Express for developing this API. For the database, I'm using Mysql and, for writing tests, I will be using Vitest. For last, Swagger is used to make a documentation about this API. Besides that, the API is coded using TDD and SOLID principles, trying to make a decoupled and testable code.
The first thing eu need to do is install the dependencies with node:
npm install
Then, you need to create a MySQL instance, downloading the MySQL driver or using Docker (I usually use Docker for the database). In this instance, create a database named "pets" (or any other name that you like.)
After that, you need to create a .env file in the root of the project, with this information:
Then, you need to create and populate the database. For that, you can run the following commands:
npm run create-database
npm run seed-database
After, that, you are ready to go, just run:
npm run dev
You can run this API with Docker too. For that, you can do the follow steps:
First, start the containers:
docker compose up -d
Then, you need to enter the node container:
docker exec -it {place your container id here} /bin/bash
Now, you need to create and seed the database
npm run create-database
npm run seed-database
Tests were created for useCases and entities of the project, you can run them by executing the following command:
npm run test