A Clojure library wrapping the nefarious Ancel SMS Empresa API. In case you're unfortunate and have to deal with this thing, maybe this library can make your life a little bit better.
The Ancel API needs that you register all phones and groups you will be sending messages to.
All administration APIs are in the clj-ancel-sms.administration
module. Basically phones and groups management.
(ns test.admin
(:require [clj-ancel-sms.administration :as admin])
(:use [slingshot.slingshot :only [try+ throw+]]))
(admin/create-group "1" "grupo1")
(admin/register-phone "1" "1" "099111222")
(admin/add-phone-to-group "1" "099111222" "grupo1")
(admin/delete-group "1" "grupo1")
SMSs can be sent to a single cellphone or to a group. In case the message is sent to a group Ancel is doing the list expansion.
(ns test.messages
(:require [clj-ancel-sms.messaging :as messaging])
(:use [slingshot.slingshot :only [try+ throw+]]))
(messaging/to-cellphone "1" "099111222" "text message")
(messaging/to-group "1" "grupo1" "text message")
In src/console
you'll find a testing console that also listens for callbacks on a jetty port.
lein trampoline run -m console.cli
All the API commands are implemented for testing purposes
> help
help: Use help [command] for syntax info
add-phone: Adds a new phone for sending messages
show-group: Shows the current group phones
send-message: Sends a SMS to a single phone
rmv-from-group: Removes a number from a group
list-groups: List the current defined groups
rmv-phone: Removes a defined phone
add-to-group: Adds a phone number to a group
list-phones: List the current defined phones
add-group: Adds a new empty group for sending messages
send-to-group: Sends a SMS to a group
rmv-group: Removes a defined group
quit: Quits the console
- Callback parsing inside the library
Copyright © 2013 Guillermo Winkler
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.