This Project is an attempt to expose torrents crawled with magnetico through a torznab compatible API.
This project is compose of mutiple services
- A magneticod torrent crawler
- A beanstalkd work queue for handling crawled torrent information
- A listener service for listening to the beanstalkd work queue and storing crawled torrents in a database
- A peer count updater service for retrieving up to date torrent peer counts
- A PostgreSQL database for storing and searching torrent information
- A FastAPI API for serving torrent information
You can launch the full stack locally using:
docker compose up
- Insert torrents into PGSQL DB from magneticod
- Search for torrents by name
- Functional minimal torznab API
- Functional minimal torznab API authentication
- Implement a peer count updater
- Setup PGSQL schema for models with Alembic migrations
- Search for torrents by name of its files
- Torrent classifier
- Fully featured torznab API
- Users and credentials