This package implements Github's REST API v3. You can find details on it in here:
Metacello new
repository: 'github://guillep/github-api:v0.1';
baseline: 'GithubAPI';
A new connection to github can be set up by doing:
connection := Github new.
- Anonymous authentication (default if none specified)
connection anonymous.
- User/password authentication
connection loginUser: 'YOUR_USER' password: 'YOUR_PASSWORD'.
- Token authentication
connection loginToken: 'YOUR_TOKEN'.
The protocol requests contains several already implemented requests such as:
- get the pull requests of a given project
github getPullRequestsFromRepo: 'pharo' owner: 'pharo-project'.
- get the issues of a given project
response := github getIssuesFromRepo: 'pharo' owner: 'pharo-project'.
- get a user
response := github getUser: 'guillep'
- get the respositories of a suser
response := github getRepositoriesFromUser: 'guillep'.
- get the organizations of a user
response := github getOrganizationsFromUser: 'guillep'.
Besides already implemented requests, you may use the #call:
method to call other requests. The #call:
method receives a request object, such as a GHGetRequest
, and returns a GHResponse
object. Using it in combination with the GHGenericGetRequest
class, you can do:
response := github call: (GHGenericGetRequest url: '')
Notice that if something fails on the request and a failed response is obtained, the #call:
method will fail with a GHRequestError
exception. The GHRequestError
contains the response that originated the error.
Requests answer a GHResponse
object. A GHResponse
object contains inside the HTTP response plus some handy methods to parse the data and manage pagination.
To access a response's contents as string, you may do:
stringContents := response rawContents
And to access them as an already parsed JSON object:
json := response parseJSON
By default all github requests are paginated with a max page number. For example, at the time of writing this comment, such max number was 30. To help accessing such paginated data, Github provides some meta-data links in response headers to the next, previous, last and first pages, if available. This is specified in the following url:
A GHResponse
provides access to the links in the headers.
links := response links.
Each link understands the messages #rel
and #url
to access the link's content. Moreover, a GHResponse
provides a much higher-level API, avoiding the need of diving in the links. The folling methods provide access to the link data:
: specifies if a response has a last link#hasNext
: specifies if a response has a next link#nextLink
: returns the next link#nextUrl
: returns the url of the next link
Moreover, the #next
method makes a request to the next url link, using the same github connection as in the first request.
nextPageResponse := response next.
As a second alternative, this package provides a request iterator. An iterator provides a high level API to access, select and collect data obtained from a paginated request, hiding the details of the page iteration behind.
| iterator prs |
iterator := self github iteratorOn: (GHGetPullRequests new
repositoryName: 'pharo';
ownerName: 'pharo-project';
state: 'closed';
sort: 'updated';
direction: 'desc';
prs := iterator
collect: [ :rq | rq parseJSON collect: [ :pr | GHPullRequest on: pr ] ];
select: [ :pr | pr isMerged and: [ pr mergeDate between: to asZTimestamp and: from asZTimestamp ] ];
until: [ :pr | pr updateDate < to asZTimestamp ];