Converting to, and from, base64url
base64urls offer you to run Base64UrlCore on the CLI.
dotnet tool install -g base64urls
dotnet add package Base64UrlCore
base64urls [-version] [-help] [encode|decode|escape|unescape] [args]
base64url encode input. Input should be a string or a Buffer.
$ base64urls decode QyMgaXMgYXdlc29tZQ==
C# is awesome
Convert a base64url encoded string into a raw string. The encoding argument can be used if the input is a string that's not utf8.
$ base64urls encode "C# is awesome."
Convert a base64 encoded string to a base64url encoded string.
$ base64urls escape "This+is/goingto+escape=="
Convert a base64url encoded string to a base64 encoded string.
$ base64urls unescape "This-is_goingto-escape"
base64url encode input. Input should be a string or a Buffer.
// C# is awesome
Convert a base64url encoded string into a raw string. The encoding argument can be used if the input is a string that's not utf8.
Base64Url.Encode("C# is awesome.");
// QyMgaXMgYXdlc29tZS4=
Convert a base64 encoded string to a base64url encoded string.
// "This-is_goingto-escape"
Convert a base64url encoded string to a base64 encoded string.
// "This+is/goingto+escape=="
Add padding to encoded string.
// aG9nZW1vZ2U=
Remove padding from encoded string.
// MQ
docker build -t base64urlcore . -f Dockerfile.Base64UrlCore
global tool
docker build -t base64urls . -f Dockerfile.base64urls
Retired appveyor, now using CircleCI.
validate ci config.
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data circleci/circleci-cli:alpine config validate /data/.circleci/config.yml
Using Coverlet and dotnet-reportgenerator.
Add coverlet.msbuild
to your csproj, add dotnet global tool dotnet tool install -g dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool
, and add environment variables CODECOV_TOKEN
to CI. (You can find TOKEN at
Add environment variable NUGET_KEY
to CI. You can generate it at