v4 is a major update that will break existing implementations. In particular, it returns a promise instead of an object when invoked:
import fetchJson from 'fetch-json-timeout';
const fetcher = await fetchJson();
const data = await fetcher('GET', url);
v4 also supports opinionated JWT token authentication, and refresh. Internally it keeps track of token expiery and refreshes it if it had expired.
import fetchJson from 'fetch-json-timeout';
const jwtOpts = {
"refreshUri": "https://some.api.endpoint/api/v3/tokens/refresh/",
"verb": "POST",
"payload": {
"email": "some.email@address.org",
"password": "some_fancy_obscure_password"
const fetcher = await fetchJson(undefined, undefined, jwtOpts);
const data = await fetcher('GET', url);