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A program to send nagios perf data to graphite (carbon)

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Oct 15, 2014

New graphios 2.0!

What's new?

  • Support for multiple backends (graphite, statsd, librato) (and multiples of each backend if you want)
  • Support for using your service descriptions instead of custom variables
  • Install options (pip,, rpms)
  • Bugfixes
    • mulitple perfdata in 1 line sometimes did weird things
    • quotes in your labels/metrics were sometimes in carbon
    • labels with multiple '::' could mess up


Graphios is a script to emit nagios perfdata to various upstream metrics processing and time-series (graphing) systems. It's currently compatible with [graphite], [statsd], [Librato] and [InfluxDB], with possibly [Heka], and [RRDTool] support coming soon. Graphios can emit Nagios metrics to any number of supported upstream metrics systems simultaenously.


  • A working nagios / icinga / naemon server
  • A functional carbon or statsd daemon, and/or Librato credentials
  • Python 2.6 or later (but not python 3.x) (Is anyone still using 2.4? Likely very little work to make this work under 2.4 again if so. Let me know)


Graphios is released under the GPL v2.


The goal of graphios is to get nagios perf data into a graphing system like graphite (carbon). Systems like these typically use a dot-delimited metric name to store each metric hierarcicly, so it can be easily located later.

Graphios creates these metric names one of two ways.

  1. by reading a pair of custom variables that you configure for services and hosts called _graphiteprefix and _graphitepostfix. Together, these custom variables enable you to control the metric name that gets sent to whatever back-end metrics system you're using. You don't have to set them both, but things will certainly be less confusing for you if you set at least one or the other.

  2. by using your service description in the format:


so if you didn't feel like setting your graphiteprefix and postfix, it would just use:


If you are using option 2, that means EVERY service will be sent to graphite. You will also want to make sure your service descriptions are consistant or your backend naming will be really weird.

I think most people will use the first option, so let's work with that for a bit. What gets sent to graphite is this:


The specific content of the perfdata section depends on each particular Nagios plugin's output.

Simple Example

A simple example is the check_host_alive command (which calls the check_icmp plugin by default). The check_icmp plugin returns the following perfstring:

rta=4.029ms;10.000;30.000;0; pl=0%;5;10;; rtmax=4.996ms;;;; rtmin=3.066ms;;;;

If we configured a host with a custom graphiteprefix variable like this:

define host {
    host_name                   myhost
    check_command               check_host_alive
    _graphiteprefix             ops.nagios01.pingto

Graphios will construct and emit the following metric name to the upstream metric system:

ops.nagios01.pingto.myhost.rta 4.029 nagios_timet 0 nagios_timet
ops.nagios01.pingto.myhost.rtmax 4.996 nagios_timet
ops.nagios01.pingto.myhost.rtmin 3.066 nagios_timet

Where nagios_timet is the a unix epoch time stamp from when the plugin results were received by Nagios core. Your prefix is of course, entirely up to you. In our example, our prefix refers to the Team that created the metric (Ops), becuause our upstream metrics system is used by many different teams. Afer the team name, we've identified the specific Nagios host that took this measurement, because we actually have several Nagios boxes, and finally, 'pingto' is the name of this specific metric: the ping time from nagios01 to myhost.

Another example

Lets take a look at the check_load plugin, which returns the following perfdata:

load1=8.41;20;22;; load5=6.06;18;20;; load15=5.58;16;18

Our service is defined like this:

define service {
    service_description         Load
    host_name                   myhost
    _graphiteprefix             datacenter01.webservers
    _graphitepostfix            nrdp.load

With this confiuration, graphios generates the following metric names:

datacenter01.webservers.myhost.nrdp.load.load1 8.41 nagios_timet
datacenter01.webservers.myhost.nrdp.load.load5 6.06 nagios_timet
datacenter01.webservers.myhost.nrdp.load.load15 5.58 nagios_timet

As you can probably guess, our custom prefix in this example identifies the specific data center, and server-type from which these metrics originated, while our postfix refers to the check_nrdp plugin, which is the means by which we collected the data, followed finally by the metric-type.

You should think carefully about how you name your metrics, because later on, these names will enable you to easily combine metrics (like load1) across various sources (like all webservers).

A few words on Naming things for Librato

The default configuration that works for Graphite also does what you'd expect for Librato, so if you're just getting started, and you want to check out Librato, don't worry about it, ignore this section and forge ahead.

But you're a power user, you should be aware that the Librato Backend is actually generating a differet metric name than the other plugins. Librato is a very metrics-centric platform. Metrics are the first-class entity, and sources (like hosts), are actually a separate dimension in their system. This is very cool when you're monitoring ephemeral things that aren't hosts, like threads, or worker processes, but it slightly complicates things here.

So, for example, where the Graphite plugin generates a name like this (from the example above):


The Librato plugin will generate a name that omits the hostname:


And then it will automatically send the hostname as the source dimension when it emits the metric to Librato. For 99% of everyone, this is exactly what you want. But if you're a 1%'er you can influence this behavior by modifying the "namevals" and "sourcevals" lists in the librato section of the graphios.cfg

Automatic names

Version 2.0: Graphios now supports automatic names, because custom variables are hard. :)

This is an all or nothing setting, meaning if you turn this on all services will now send to graphios (instead of just the ones with the prefix and postfix setup). This will work fine, so long as you have very consistent service descriptions.

To turn this on, modify the graphios.cfg and change:

use_service_desc = False

to use_service_desc = True

You can still use the graphite prefix and postfix variables but you don't have to.

Big Fat Warning

Graphios assumes your checks are using the same unit of measurement. Most plugins support this, some do not. check_icmp) always reports in ms for example.


This is recommended for intermediate+ Nagios administrators. If you are just learning Nagios this might be a difficult pill to swallow depending on your experience level.

Hundreds of people have emailed me their success stories on getting graphios working. I have been using this in production on a medium size nagios installation for a couple years.

There are now a few ways to get graphios installed.

1 - Use pypi

    pip install graphios
NOTE: This will attempt to find your nagios.cfg and add the configuration
steps 1 and 2 for you (Don't worry we back up the file before touching it)

NOTE2: If you get the error:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement graphios
This is a because graphios is still in the beta category. I will remove
this in a few weeks, so until then you need to:
    pip install --pre graphios

2 - Clone it yourself

    git clone
    cd graphios

Then do one of the following three things (depending what you like best):

1 - Python setup

    python install

2 - Create + Install RPM

    python bdist_rpm
    yum localinstall bdist/graphios-$version.rpm

3 - Copy the files where you want them to be

    cp graphios*.py /my/dir
    cp graphios.cfg /my/dir


Setting this up on the nagios front is very much like pnp4nagios with npcd. (You do not need to have any pnp4nagios experience at all). If you are already running pnp4nagios , check out my pnp4nagios notes (below).


(1) graphios.cfg

The default location for graphios.cfg is in /etc/graphios/graphios.cfg, it also checks the same directory as the is.

Your graphios.cfg can live anywhere you want, but if it's not in the above locations you will need to modify your init script to match.

Out of the box, it enables the carbon back-end and sends pickled metrics to It also specifies the location of the graphios log and spool directories, and controls things like log levels, sleep intervals, and of course, backends like carbon, statsd, and librato.

The config file is well commented, adding/changing backends is very simple.

(2) nagios.cfg

Your nagios.cfg is going to need to modified to send the graphite data to the perfdata files. Depending on how you installed graphios this step may have been done for you.

The following needs to be put into your nagios.cfg





Which sets up some custom variables, specifically: for services: $_SERVICEGRAPHITEPREFIX $_SERVICEGRAPHITEPOSTFIX


The prepended HOST and SERVICE is just the way nagios works, _HOSTGRAPHITEPREFIX means it's the _GRAPHITEPREFIX variable from host configuration.

(3) nagios commands

There are 2 commands we setup in the nagios.cfg, which if you used pip or the rpm/deb may have already been setup for you. We need:


Which we now need to define:

I use include dirs, so I make a new file called graphios_commands.cfg inside my include dir. Do that, or add the below commands to one of your existing nagios config files.

NOTE: Your spool directory may be different, this is setup in step (2) the service_perfdata_file, and host_perfdata_file.

define command {
    command_name            graphite_perf_host
    command_line            /bin/mv /var/spool/nagios/graphios/host-perfdata /var/spool/nagios/graphios/host-perfdata.$TIMET$


define command {
    command_name            graphite_perf_service
    command_line            /bin/mv /var/spool/nagios/graphios/service-perfdata /var/spool/nagios/graphios/service-perfdata.$TIMET$

All these commands do is move the current files to a different filename that we can process without interrupting nagios. This way nagios doesn't have to sit around waiting for us to process the results.

(4) Run it!

We recommend running from the console for the first time, this will make sure things are sending the way you think they are. A good example would be:

./ --spool-directory /var/spool/nagios/graphios \
--log-file /tmp/graphios.log \
--backend carbon \

and if there are problems add


Other command line options:

Usage: [options]
sends nagios performance data to carbon.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         sets logging to DEBUG level
                        where to look for nagios performance data
  --log-file=LOG_FILE   file to log to
  --backend=BACKEND     sets which storage backend to use
  --config=CONFIG       set custom config file location
  --test                Turns on test mode, which won't send to backends
                        Replacement Character (default '_'
                        How much time to sleep between checks
                        Max time to sleep between runs
  --server=SERVER       Server address (for backend)
                        Replace '.' in nagios hostnames, default on.
  --reverse_hostname    Reverse nagios hostname, default off.


** NOTE: If you use --config on the command line, we ignore every other command line, your --config will overwrite everything else.

(5) Optional init script: graphios

Remember: screen is not a daemon management tool.

If you installed with pip/ this part should be done for you!

Take a look in the init/ directory and find your OS of choice.

For debian/ubuntu: cp init/debian/graphios /etc/init.d/ cp init/debian/graphios.conf /etc/init chmod 755 /etc/init.d/graphios

For rhel/centos/sl < 6: cp init/rhel/graphios /etc/init.d chmod 755 /etc/init.d/graphios

for systems with systemd: cp init/systemd/graphios.service /usr/lib/systemd/system

NOTE: You may need to change the location and username that the script runs as. this varies slightly depending on where you decided to put

The lines you will likely have to change:

# or use the command line options:
#prog="/opt/nagios/bin/ --log-file=/dir/mylog.log --spool-directory=/dir/my/sool"

(6) Your host and service configs

Once you have done the above you need to add a custom variable to the hosts and services that you want sent to graphite. (Unless you are using service descriptions, in which case you can skip this step)

The format that will be sent to carbon is:


You do not need to set both graphiteprefix and graphitepostfix. Just one or the other will do. If you do not set at least one of them, the data will not be sent to graphite at all (unless you are using the service descriptions)


define host {
    name                        myhost
    check_command               check_host_alive
    _graphiteprefix             monitoring.nagios01.pingto

Which would create the following graphite entries with data from the check_host_alive plugin:

define service {
    service_description         MySQL threads connected
    host_name                   myhost
    check_command               check_mysql_health_threshold!threads-connected!3306!1600!1800
    _graphiteprefix             monitoring.nagios01.mysql

Which gives us:


See the Documentation (above) for more explanation on how this works.


To upgrade from the old version of graphios, you need to:

  1. Look at the things you changed in the old (carbon_server, spool_directory, log_file location, etc)
  2. Edit your new graphios.cfg and put those options there instead. You should NOT have to modify the new

Why Upgrade?

The new version has fixed some bugs, and has cooler optional backends; and support for multiple backends, including multiple carbon servers. I don't think any major performance increases have been made, so if it isn't broken don't fix it.

PNP4Nagios Notes:

Are you already running pnp4nagios? And want to just try this out and see if you like it? Cool! This is very easy to do without breaking your PNP4Nagios configuration (but do a backup just in case).


(1) In your nagios.cfg:

Add the following at the end of your:



This will add the variables to your check results, and will be ignored by pnp4nagios.

(2) Change your commands:

(find your command names under host_perfdata_file_processing_command and service_perfdata_file_processing_command in your nagios.cfg)

You likely have 2 commands setup that look something like these two:

define command{
       command_name    process-service-perfdata-file
       command_line    /bin/mv /usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/service-perfdata /usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/spool/service-perfdata.$TIMET$

define command{
       command_name    process-host-perfdata-file
       command_line    /bin/mv /usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/host-perfdata /usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/spool/host-perfdata.$TIMET$

Instead of just moving the file; move it then copy it, then we can point graphios at the copy.

You can do this by either:

(1) Change the command_line to something like:

command_line    "/bin/mv /usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/host-perfdata /usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/spool/host-perfdata.$TIMET$ && cp /usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/spool/host-perfdata.$TIMET$ /usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/spool/graphios"


(2) Make a script:

/bin/mv /usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/host-perfdata /usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/spool/host-perfdata.$TIMET$
cp /usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/spool/host-perfdata.$TIMET$ /usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/spool/graphios

change the command_line to be:
command_line    /path/to/

You should now be able to skip steps 2 and 3 on the configuration instructions.

OMD (Open Monitoring Distribution) Notes:

  • OMD 1.2x Setup Guide - Nightly OMD Build
  • Look at the following set of steps for earlier versions.
  • All steps below are assumed to be carried out under your OMD site's user.

(1) Change the NPCD Setup for PNP4NAGIOS to Bulk Mode with NPCD instead of NPCDMOD by changing the symlink in ~/etc/nagios/nagios.d/pnp4nagios.cfg to point at ../../pnp4nagios/nagios_npcd.cfg instead of ../../pnp4nagios/nagios_npcdmod.cfg.

(2) Update ~/etc/pnp4nagios/nagios_npcd.cfg

# PNP4Nagios Bulk Mode with npcd

# service performance data

# host performance data

(3) Update etc/nagios/conf.d/pnp4nagios.cfg

define command{
       command_name    omd-process-service-perfdata-file
       command_line    /bin/mv /omd/sites/SITENAME/var/pnp4nagios/service-perfdata /omd/sites/prod/var/pnp4nagios/spool/service-perfdata.$TIMET$ && cp /omd/sites/prod/var/pnp4nagios/spool/service-perfdata.$TIMET$ /omd/sites/prod/var/graphios/spool/

define command{
       command_name    omd-process-host-perfdata-file
       command_line    /bin/mv /omd/sites/SITENAME/var/pnp4nagios/host-perfdata /omd/sites/prod/var/pnp4nagios/spool/host-perfdata.$TIMET$ && cp /omd/sites/prod/var/pnp4nagios/spool/host-perfdata.$TIMET$ /omd/sites/prod/var/graphios/spool/

(4) Optional: If you don't want PNP4NAGIOS to ever see perfdata for checks that Graphios is exporting data for, you can modify the ~/etc/nagios/conf.d/pnp4nagios.cfg command lines to remove data with a grep. In the below case, we grep out a specific string (GRAPHITEPREFIX::lustre) to remove perfdata containing that string. This involves a little move moving around of files, but nothing excessive and stops PNP4NAGIOS from trying to genearte RRD files with that data.

define command{
       command_name    omd-process-service-perfdata-file
       #command_line    /bin/mv /omd/sites/ssec/var/pnp4nagios/service-perfdata /omd/sites/ssec/var/pnp4nagios/spool/service-perfdata.$TIMET$
       command_line    /bin/mv /omd/sites/ssec/var/pnp4nagios/service-perfdata /omd/sites/ssec/var/pnp4nagios/service-perfdata.$TIMET$ && /bin/cp /omd/sites/ssec/var/pnp4nagios/service-perfdata.$TIMET$ /omd/sites/ssec/var/graphios/spool/ && grep -v GRAPHITEPREFIX\:\:lustre /omd/sites/ssec/var/pnp4nagios/service-perfdata.$TIMET$ > /omd/sites/ssec/var/pnp4nagios/spool/service-perfdata.$TIMET$ && /bin/rm /omd/sites/ssec/var/pnp4nagios/service-perfdata.*


define command{
       command_name    omd-process-host-perfdata-file
       #command_line    /bin/mv /omd/sites/ssec/var/pnp4nagios/host-perfdata /omd/sites/ssec/var/pnp4nagios/spool/host-perfdata.$TIMET$
       command_line    /bin/mv /omd/sites/ssec/var/pnp4nagios/host-perfdata /omd/sites/ssec/var/pnp4nagios/host-perfdata.$TIMET$ && /bin/cp /omd/sites/ssec/var/pnp4nagios/host-perfdata.$TIMET$ /omd/sites/ssec/var/graphios/spool/ && grep -v GRAPHITEPREFIX\:\:lustre /omd/sites/ssec/var/pnp4nagios/host-perfdata.$TIMET$ > /omd/sites/ssec/var/pnp4nagios/spool/host-perfdata.$TIMET$ && /bin/rm /omd/sites/ssec/var/pnp4nagios/host-perfdata.*
  • UPDATE - OMD 5.6 was released on 10/02/2012
  • The only changes that you would need to make to 5.6 is add the changes in step 2 (omd-process-host/service-perfdata-file commands)

OMD 5.6 is different form earlier versions in the way NPCD is setup. (Download the 5.6 source code to see the config differences) This guide assumes you are using OMD 5.4 (Current Stable Release)

  • Warning I'm not sure of the impacts that this might have when actually upgrading to 5.6
  • Make sure to update SITENAME with your OMD site

(1) Update OMD 5.4's etc/pnp4nagios/nagios_npcdmod.cfg so that it looks like this:

# PNP4Nagios Bulk Mode with npcd

# service performance data

# host performance data

(2) Update etc/nagios/conf.d/pnp4nagios.cfg

define command{
       command_name    omd-process-service-perfdata-file
       command_line    /bin/mv /omd/sites/SITENAME/var/pnp4nagios/service-perfdata /omd/sites/SITENAME/var/pnp4nagios/spool/service-perfdata.$TIMET$ && cp /omd/sites/SITENAME/var/pnp4nagios/spool/service-perfdata.$TIMET$ /omd/sites/SITENAME/var/graphios/spool/

define command{
       command_name    omd-process-host-perfdata-file
       command_line    /bin/mv /omd/sites/SITENAME/var/pnp4nagios/host-perfdata /omd/sites/SITENAME/var/pnp4nagios/spool/host-perfdata.$TIMET$ && cp /omd/sites/SITENAME/var/pnp4nagios/spool/host-perfdata.$TIMET$ /omd/sites/prod/var/graphios/spool/

Check_MK Notes:

How to set custom variables for services and hosts using check_mk config files.

(1) For host perf data, its simple just create a new file named "" (inside your check_mk conf.d dir)

(2) Run check_mk -O to generate your updated configs and reload Nagios

(3) Test via check_mk -N hostname | less, to see if your prefix or postfix is there.

extra_host_conf["_graphiteprefix"] = [
  ( "", ALL_HOSTS),

For service perf data create a file called, "", remember you can use your host tags or any of kinds of tricks with check_mk config files.

extra_service_conf["_graphiteprefix"] = [
  ( "DESIREDPREFIX.check_mk", ALL_HOSTS, ["Check_MK"]),
  ( "DESIREDPREFIX.cpu.load", ALL_HOSTS, ["CPU load"]),

Trouble getting it working?

Many people are running graphios now (cool!), but if you are having trouble getting it working let me know. I am not offering to teach you how to setup Nagios, this is for intermediate+ nagios users. Email me at and I will do what I can to help.

Got it working?

Cool! Drop me a line and let me know how it goes.

Find a bug?

Open an Issue on github and I will try to fix it asap.


I'm open to any feedback / patches / suggestions.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Dave Josephsen who added the multiple backend support and worked with me to design and build the new version of graphios.

Shawn Sterling


A program to send nagios perf data to graphite (carbon)






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  • Python 95.0%
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