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Drupal Codeception


Sets of codeception modules and utilities to test drupal cms. Includes:

  • Drupal Bootstrap
  • Drupal Entity
  • Drupal User
  • Drupal Watchdog
  • Drupal Drush
  • Drupal Acceptance


Require package:

composer require guncha25/drupal-codeception --dev

If codeception was not previously set up:

./vendor/bin/codecept bootstrap

If you require only one suite for now (e.g. acceptance):

./vendor/bin/codecept init acceptance

Drupal Bootstrap

Provides full bootstrapping in to Drupal before test. Allows using drupal API in test cases.


  • server: Server and execution environment information.
  • root: Drupal root. Uses DrupalFinder to detect the Drupal root. Falls back to codeception root + /web. (optional)
    - DrupalBootstrap:
            SERVER_PORT: null
            REQUEST_URI: '/'
            REMOTE_ADDR: ''
            HTTP_HOST: 'site.multi'

Drupal Drush

Provides drush (runDrush) command.


  • working_directory: Working directory where drush should be executed. Defaults to codeception root.
  • timeout: Timeout in seconds for drush command. Set to 0 for no timeout. Default to 60 seconds.
  • drush: Drush executable. Defaults to drush.
    - DrupalDrush:
        working_directory: './web'
        timeout: 120
        drush: './vendor/bin/drush'
            root: /app/web


Run drush status and store output.

$output = $i->runDrush('status');

Run drush config import and store output from STDERR.

$output = $i->runDrush('cim -y', [], TRUE)->getErrorOutput();

Run drush cache rebuild and store the exit code.

$exit_code = $i->runDrush('cr', [], TRUE)->getExitCode();

Get one-time login url.

$uri = $i->getLoginUri('userName');

Drupal Entity

Provides better interaction with drupal entities and test entity cleanup service.


  • cleanup_test: Indicator if test entities should be deleted after each test.
  • cleanup_failed: Indicator if test entities should be deleted after test fails.
  • cleanup_suite: Indicator if test entities should be deleted after suite.
  • route_entities: Entity list that can be retrieved by url.
    - DrupalEntity:
        cleanup_test: true
        cleanup_failed: false
        cleanup_suite: true
            - node
            - taxonomy_term


Create entities.

$node = $i->createEntity(['title => 'My node', 'type' => 'page']);

$term = $i->createEntity(['name => 'My term', 'vid' => 'tag'], 'taxonomy_term');

Delete all stored test entities.


Register test entity.

$i->registerTestEntity('node', '99');

Register test entity by url.


Get entity by url.

$entity = $i->getEntityFromUrl($i->grabFromCurrentUrl());

Drupal User

Provides better interaction with drupal user and test user setup and cleanup service.


  • default_role: Default user role if no specified. Defaults to 'authenticated'
  • driver: Driver used for interacting with site. Defaults to WebDriver.
  • drush: Drush executable. Defaults to drush.
  • cleanup_entities: Entities to delete when test user gets deleted.
  • cleanup_test: Indicator if test entities should be deleted after each test.
  • cleanup_failed: Indicator if test entities should be deleted after test fails.
  • cleanup_suite: Indicator if test entities should be deleted after suite.
    - DrupalUser:
        default_role: 'authenticated'
        driver: 'PhpBrowser'
        drush: './vendor/bin/drush'
            - media
            - file
        cleanup_test: true
        cleanup_failed: false
        cleanup_suite: true


Create test user with specified roles.

$user = $i->createUserWithRoles(['editor', 'authenticated'], 'password');

Log in user by username.


Create new user with certain role and login.


Drupal Watchdog

Provides log checking while testing.


  • enabled: Wheather automatic check is enabled after suite. Defaults to TRUE
  • level: Global log level that would produce fail. Defaults to 'ERROR'.
  • channels: Individual log channel settings.
    - DrupalWatchdog:
        enabled: true
        level: 'ERROR'
            my_module: 'NOTICE'
            php: 'WARNING'


Clean logs.


Check logs.


Drupal Acceptance

Provides helper methods to interact with drupal via webdriver.

    - DrupalAcceptance:


// Fill title.
$i->fillTextField(FormField::title(), 'Mans nosukums');

// Select option from select list by key or value.
// For custom fields, target (last parameter) usually needs to be set to an 
// empty string.
$i->selectOptionFromList(FormField::langcode(), 'en');
$i->selectOptionFromList(FormField::langcode(), 'English');
$i->selectOptionFromList(FormField::field_my_list(), 'Apple', '');

// Select the nth option from a select list.
$i->selectNthOptionFromList(MTOFormField::field_my_list(), 2, '');

// Fill first paragraph of type text.
$page_elements = ParagraphFormField::field_page_elements();
$i->fillWysiwygEditor(FormField::field_text_formatted($page_elements), 'Lorem');

// Remove text paragraph.

// Add second paragraph of type graybox.
$i->addParagraph('graybox', $page_elements->next());

// Fill title of graybox.
$i->fillTextField(FormField::field_title($page_elements), 'Mans nosukums');

// Fill link field.
$i->fillLinkField(FormField::field_link($page_elements), '', 'Example');
$i->fillLinkField(FormField::field_link($page_elements), '');

// Add taxonomy term reference for tags field.
$field_tags = FormField::field_tags();
$i->fillReferenceField(FormField::field_tags(), Fixtures::get('term1'));
$i->fillReferenceField($field_tags, Fixtures::get('term2'));


Drupal Fields Utility

Provides xpath builder object for drupal specific form field xpath retrieval.

Includes: - FormField: Fields that can be set to cardinality unlimited - MTOFormField: Single value fields. - ParagraphFormField: Paragraph form fields.


Create paragraph field with machine name field_page_elements.

$page_elements = ParagraphFormField::field_page_elements();

Get next paragraph.


Fill title field value from field page elements.


Add new paragraph of type liftup_element.
