- 可以解析int, bool, str, double, ip, port, addr类型
- 编写扩展类型很简单
- 初始化函数
int cflag_init(cflagset_t *c, //cflag核心对象,所以的工作都围绕这个对象
char *name, //进程名
int error_handling); //出错时,可以控制是直接退出进程,还是abort,还是return返回
- 解析函数
int cflag_parse(cflagset_t *c,
cflag_t *cf, //存放返回值,命令行选项名,帮助信息,默认值
char **argv); //命令行参数
- 销毁函数(c语言特色)
void cflag_free(cflagset_t *c);
#include "cflag.h"
typedef struct config_t {
int nt;
int debug;
char *model_path;
double pi;
unsigned ip;
unsigned short port;
struct sockaddr_in addr;
} config_t;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
cflagset_t flag;
cflag_init(&flag, argv[0], exit_on_error);
config_t config = {};
cflag_t sets[] = {
{&config.nt, "nt", "0", "Maximum number of threads", cflag_int},
{&config.debug, "debug", "false", "Open the server debug mode", cflag_bool},
{&config.model_path, "model_path", "./", "xxx engine directory", cflag_str},
{&config.pi, "pi", "0", "pi", cflag_double},
{&config.ip, "ip", "0", "Remote server ip", cflag_ip},
{&config.port, "port", "0", "Remote server port", cflag_port},
{&config.addr, "addr", "", "Log server addr", cflag_addr},
cflag_parse(&flag, sets, argv+1);
printf("config.nt = %d\n", config.nt);
printf("config.debug = %d\n", config.debug);
printf("config.model_path = %s\n", config.model_path);
printf("config.pi = %lf\n", config.pi);
printf("config.ip = %x\n", config.ip);
printf("config.port = %x\n", config.port);
printf("config.addr = ip(%x), port(%x)\n", config.addr.sin_addr.s_addr, config.addr.sin_port);
return 0;
cflag已经自带, int, bool, str, double, ip, port, addr等多个类型 但是真实世界是复杂的,很可能遇到cflag自带类型不能满足的需求,这时候就学要自己编写扩展类型了
static inline int cflag_xxx(cflag_t *flag, const char *val) {
flag->isbool = 0; //这行必须加上
xxx new_val = todo(val); //对val进行一些处理, todo 代指用户自己的逻辑
*(xxx *)flag->val = new_val; //把处理后的值赋值给调用端