- I can see a table of the freeCodeCamp campers who've earned the most brownie points in the past 30 days.
- I can see how many brownie points they've earned in the past 30 days, and how many they've earned total.
- I can toggle between sorting the list by how many brownie points they've earned in the past 30 days and by how many brownie points they've earned total.
This was the first react-redux project where I used TDD heavily for actions and reducers. Actually that was the reason why I ditched create-react-app - I just couldn't make test libs install properly.
As for the project itself, the main idea was to add a sticky header and to use the same fancy scrollbar I used in the previous project.
All data is received from a third-party Heroku app, what it means is that the data may not be displayed if something happens with the mentioned app. Other than that Camper Leaderboard is completely functional.
- this project at codepen: https://codepen.io/GuRuGu/pen/jLMEJP
- this project at gh-pages: https://gurugu-fcc-projects.github.io/FCC__camper_leaderboard/
- freecodecamp challenge: https://learn.freecodecamp.org/coding-interview-prep/take-home-projects/build-a-camper-leaderboard