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Blazor WASM with GridMvcCore back-end (REST API)

Grid virtualization


From GridBlazor 4.0.0 on, it's possible to use virtualization instead of grid pagination.

The steps to use virtualization on a grid are:

  1. Create a razor page on the client project to render the grid. The Virtualize `method of the GridClient object must be called. The ```ChangeVirtualizedHeight``` method is optional. The page file must have a .razor extension. An example of razor page is:

        @page "/virtualized"
        @using GridShared
        @using GridShared.Utility
        @using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives
        @inject NavigationManager NavigationManager
        @inject HttpClient HttpClient
        @if (_task.IsCompleted)
            <GridComponent T="Order" Grid="@_grid"></GridComponent>
            private CGrid<Order> _grid;
            private Task _task;
            public static Action<IGridColumnCollection<Order>> Columns = c =>
                c.Add(o => o.OrderID);
                c.Add(o => o.OrderDate, "OrderCustomDate").Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}");
                c.Add(o => o.Customer.CompanyName);
                c.Add(o => o.Customer.IsVip);
            protected override async Task OnParametersSetAsync()
                string url = NavigationManager.GetBaseUri() + "api/SampleData/GetVirtualizedOrdersGrid";
                var query = new QueryDictionary<StringValues>();
                var client = new GridClient<Order>(HttpClient, url, query, false, "ordersGrid", Columns)
                _grid = client.Grid;
                _task = client.UpdateGrid();
                await _task;
  2. Create a controller action in the server project. An example of this type of controller action is:

        public class SampleDataController : Controller
            public ActionResult GetVirtualizedOrdersGrid()
                var repository = new OrdersRepository(_context);
                var server = new GridServer<Order>(repository.GetAll(), Request.Query,
                    true, "ordersGrid", Virtualized.Columns);
                return Ok(server.ItemsToDisplay);

The Virtualize method has 2 optional parameters:

Parameter Description
height integer to define the grid height (optional). The default value is 450 (pixels)
width string to define the grid width (optional). The default value is "auto"


  • Grid virtualization is compatible with:

    • Sorting
    • Filtering
    • Extended sorting
    • Totals
    • Items count
    • Excel export
    • Column re-arrangment
    • CRUD (CRUD forms are shown as modal windows automatically)
  • Grid virtualization is not compatible with:

    • Subgrids
    • Selectable grids
    • Checkbox columns
    • Searching
    • Grouping

<- Grid dimensions