This is Android Adjust plugin for Godot 3.2.2 or higher.
- On your Godot project install android build template. You can follow the official documentation
- Go to Releases (on the right of this repository page) and download a released version. It is a ZIP file containing 2 files: "aar" of the plugin and "gdap" file describing it,
- Extract the contents of the released ZIP file to res://android/plugins directory of your Godot project
- On Godot platform choose: Project -> Export -> Options and make sure turn on the "Use Custom Build" and "Godot Adjust" on the "Plugins" section:
Recommended: Load the following as a singleton
extends Node
const adjust_app_token = "yyzasoa5g2yo"
const adjust_production = false
var adjust
func _ready():
if (Engine.has_singleton("GodotAdjust")):
print("Adjust was detected")
adjust = Engine.get_singleton("GodotAdjust")
adjust.init(adjust_app_token, adjust_production)
print("Adjust was not detected")
init(app_token, production)
* app_token - Your adjust app token.
* production - If true, run adjust in production mode. Else, use sandbox mode.