For the first half of this activity (it is clearly identified in
), it is assumed that you read Chapter
17 and Sections 19.1 - 19.3, and 19.5 from R4DS. The second half assumes
that you have read Sections 19.4 - 19.6 from R4DS and completed the
corresponding Primers.
In this activity, you will:
- Write a function to compute the range of various quantiles/percentiles pairings (e.g., IQR)
Fork this repo and clone it to a new RStudio Project.
Remember that more detailed directions can be found in Task 1 of Activity 6.
Planned Pause Point: If you have any questions, contact your instructor or another group. We will complete this Activity during our next class sessionThe activity09-functions-intro.Rmd
file contains the directions for
this activity. For the rest of this class period, you will complete the
RMarkdown document with your neighbor(s). Your instructor will be
circling and be available to help when needed.
Note that each person is working in their own repo. We are not worrying about collaborating for the time being and instead will be working on being more comfortable with the workflow for working between RStudio and GitHub.
However, do not continue in this README document until you and your
neighbor(s) have completed your .Rmd
This is the end of the activities for preparing data. What do you feel like you have a good grasp of? What could you use more practice with?
Next: Next week we will spend time working on your Project.