Releases: gwayhub/gwaycoin
Release v1.0.1.0
Release v1.0.0.0
This is the first release of Gwaycoin Core software.
Masternode install/upgrade
If you need a Linux VPS for masternode setup, we recommend Vultr VPS provider. You may choose a nearest to you server location.
After you added a VPS with Ubuntu (versions 16.04, 17.10, 18.04 and 18.10 are supported), you should have an IP address and root password. Connect to the server (use putty, kitty or other ssh client on Windows) as root@IP with the password given. Then copy/paste the following commands:
wget -N
sudo bash
It will update your system, install necessary libraries, install Gwaycoin Core software, configure it as a cold masternode daemon, generate masternode private key for you and provide instructions to configure your cold masternode controlling wallet.
When the script finishes, please follow the instructions given and finish the masternode setup using your local wallet.
If you reinstall your masternode over an old installation, make sure you give the same masternode private key (take it from your wallet).