Ghost Writer is an app that allows you to collaborate with other users on fast and fun creative writing projects!
In order to start you can either create account or use our guest account below:
- Username: guest
- Password: guest123
If you want to create your own account you can click the "Don't have an account?" button at the bottom of the page. Your unique ID and password will be saved to our database and encrpyted for your security.
When you first login to the site you will be presented with a selection of other user stories that could use an update. These "In Progress" stories are created by other users that have some degree of completion and are waiting for you to continue them!
If you would like to pick a story of a specific genre you can also do that by using the dropdown button at the top of the page. By clicking any of these stories you will be taken to that stories page which will allow you to continue the adventure with your own ideas!
When you are taken to a specific stories in progress page you will see its divided into two parts. On the right side you can see every other users addition to the story. Use this a basis for what you are about to write!
On the left side you will see that the part you are about to add has already been selected for you. All you need to do now is get the creative juices flowing and complete your section.
If none of the stories are to your liking you are also free to start your own! To begin you simply click the Create new story button in the top right. Each story simply needs a genre, a title and its setting. Once you start it here your story is set free out into the world for someone else to continue.
Why create the stories for other users to update if you dont keep track of how they turn out? Well luckily you can view the progress of all stories you have created or contributed to on your very own profile page! Just click on your name in the top right or Profile from the drop down menu and you will be taken to a full display of your work!
To run the app on your local machine you will need a few programs including MongoDB and Node.js. With these programs you will also need to install the required dependencies by running the following in your terminal:
npm install
This will be quite a large install but once everything is complete you can simply begin the program by running the following:
npm start
After a brief delay the page will run in your browser! You can track the app's actions in the terminal as it will log connections between the database and the server!
This app primarily uses React to generate pages and provide their functionality. The database storage is handled by MongoDB with Mongoose as support. The API routing is handled be Node and Express. We used Passport to authenticate and manage our users.
All technologies:
- Express
- React
- Node
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Passport.js
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- CSS3
- Deployed:
- Repository:
- Matthew Dague:
- Alex Shumanov:
- Ryan Lacon:
- Greg Zahora: