A basic transaction management system, serves the purpose of keeping track of some information such as account number, bank name, amount etc. This is a MVC Project, performes the basic database CRUD operation.
Client: Presentation or View Layer written with HTML, CSS, Razor View Engine
Server: ASP.NET Core MVC, MSSQL Server, Entity Framework Core
IDE/Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Visual Studio Code, Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Project Description: In this project I've tried to build an Transaction Management System for Banking Information, which will keep all the transaction details of an organization. The Basic CRUD operation has performed in order to make this project functional, which are Create, Read, Update and Delete any transaction record.
Back-end Task: I've chosen ASP.NET Core 6 MVC pattern backend framework to build and manage the renowned three modules; Model-View-Controller and execute some functionalities such as Create, Read, Update and Delete by communicating with the database From Controller module based upon the Models. For Database table creation and data migration, I used Entity Framework Core ORM Tool, And Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is used for Database Management purpose.
Front-end Task: To visualize content on client side (in browser) I've used Razor View Engine as server side markup language but for viewing purpose.
Specific Components and webpages are created with HTML, CSS and Razor HTML Embedding.
This is just a basic web system for my learning perpose. I'm planning to upgrade this system with some useful features, such as; implement security management, performance level increase, server and client side verification and validation in the upcoming updates.
if you've any suggestion please feel free to reach out me at hhasan.cse@gmail.com