- React
- TypeScript
- Redux
- Saga
- Node
- TypeScript
- TypeOrm
- Postgres
- Express
- backend jest (unit and integration)
- frontend jest (integration)
- Sockect IO
- Docker
- nginx
- nodeAlphine
Name - required Gender Email - not required, must be validated if filled Date of birth - required, must be validated Place of birth Nationality CPF - required, must be validated (format and there can't be two registrations with the same CPF)
The application must be accessible via a web browser and have a screen with a form. There are no restrictions regarding technology for frontend development.
Access to the application can only be done by a pre-existing user via basic authentication.
The application must be available in a docker image from docker-hub and should not require configurations/parameters. In other words, when running the image, the application must start and work.
The application must have an endpoint /source accessible without authentication via HTTP GET that should return the link of the project on GitHub with the source code of the developed project.
- Integration test of the API in your preferred language (We give importance to the testing pyramid) 👍
- Backend test
- Frontend test
- The API developed in REST, following Richardson's maturity model or using GraphQL.😒
- The API should contain executable documentation that can be used during its development. (Use Swagger)👍
- Integration with OAuth 2 Google ( 😒
- Implement Chat between the people who are in the application 👍
- Version 2 of the API that must include the person's address as a mandatory data. Version 1 should continue to work.🤣