哈拼,即哈萨克语汉语拼音基底化,其来源于一项便于汉族学习哈萨克语的语言实验,致力于解决哈萨克语文字输入问题。哈拼目前主要由三个大项构成,即 哈拼标准化、哈拼输入法支持、哈拼开发工具。
哈拼是站在巨人的肩膀上的,其标准化过程经历了 哈拼实验性方案(v0.x)、哈拼正式版预览方案、哈拼正式版方案(v1.x)。哈拼的开发基于 汉语拼音、国际音标、哈萨克语的阿拉伯-波斯文字构字法 和 哈萨克斯坦哈萨克语拉丁化改革,得益于汉语拼音这一项伟大的发明,哈拼构建了一套无感快速上手、符合直觉的文字输入体系。
由于各种历史原因,哈萨克语文字现有三种主要的形式,中国新疆境内所使用的 阿拉伯-波斯字母,哈萨克斯坦所使用的 西里尔字母 和 拉丁化改革。哈拼构建了一套完全独立于其之上的输入方案,致力于支持不同文字哈萨克语的输入,兼容标准的美式键盘。希望你可以快速上手和乐于使用哈拼,更欢迎你的开发加入。
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Hapin, which means "The alphabetization of kazakh language". It came from a kazakh language experiment about how to make it easy for the Hans to learn kazakh language and how to input kazakh language (The Persian alphabet based) via simple keyboard. Recently, Hapin project is composed of The Standardization of Hapin, Input Method Support and Hapin Developer Tools.
Hapin is standing on the shoulders of giants. The Standardization of Hapin goes through Hapin Experimental Scheme Stage (v0.x), Hapin Scheme Preview Stage and Hapin Offical Scheme Stage (v1.x). The development of Hapin based on Pinyin, IPA, Word construction of Kazakh Language(The Persian alphabet based) and Reform of Latinization of Kazakh Language of Kazakhstan... Benefit from Pinyin, Hapin builds a non-inductive, quick-to-use, intuitive input system.
Due to historical reasons, there are three main forms of Kazakh alphabet, The Persian alphabet, The Cyrillic alphabet and Reform of Latinization of Kazakh Language of Kazakhstan. Hapin has built an independent scheme over them, aims to support different forms alphabet input. Hapin is compatible with Standard American keyboard. Hope you can enjoy using Hapin Project, and welcome to join development~
You can get more details about Hapin from Official Website:
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