Congestion is everywhere, especially in big cities and there is still a lot of idle time on traffic with a time algorithm.
By creating a traffic management system based on density, it will reduce congestion and idle time. So, it will have an impact on the smooth flow of traffic. How does it work? By utilizing object detection installed at red lights, it is hoped that it will have a positive impact on road users.
Traffic Light Monitor is an application that used to monitor traffic lights, this repository is Backend Rest API , develop by Alien Squad (B21-CAP0442 Bangkit Team).
- Composer
- PHP >= v7.2
- MYSQL Database
- Clone Repository
git clone
- Create .env file based on .env.example
cd traffic-light-monitor cp .env.example .env
- Fill database credential into .env file
nano .env
- Run command
composer install php artisan key:generate php artisan migrate
- Run Service
If you want to deploy Rest API to production, run service depending on the webserver you are using.
php artisan serv