execute command via ssh and looking for some line by paramiko module in python
chmod +x sshExecutor
python sshExecutor [host-address] [username] [password] [COMMAND] [search-line]
./sshExecutor [host-address] [username] [password] [COMMAND] [search-line]
[host-address] --> ip address of host that you want to connect it ex.
[username] --> username for ssh ex. admin
[password] --> password for ssh ex. 123
[COMMAND] --> command that you want to execute after connect to ssh ex in cisco switch. "do-exec show ip interface brief"
[search-line] --> looking for what in out put of that command you execute ? ex. "GigabitEthernet1/0/13"
./sshExecutor admin 123 "do-exec show ip interface brief" "GigabitEthernet1/0/13"
GigabitEthernet1/0/13 unassigned YES unset up up