Created by Shawn Miller, Haley Witherell, Justin Oeters, Jared Acker
- Javascript
- Jquery
- Bulma
- Server-side API
This website was made to give a user a way to search through foods to create a menu for dinner for one calendar week. A user will search for any type of food and see 4 results. Each result will show a photo and text decription of each food product. The search results will also contain a selector box with a drop down menu for each day of the week. The user can add a food to a particular day by using the drop down menu. If a user wants more search results they may enter a new search or click on the "Next Results" button for four more results. A user can had exercises to each day of the week. A user does this by clicking the "Choose a Workout" button. This button will display four random exercise results. Just like the food results a user can add exercises to each day of the week by using the drop down menu selector included with each exercise result. Any time during the selection process a user can click on the save button on the bottom of a particular day to save their selections to local storage for that day. A button has also been included to clear the day of all food and exercises and delete that information from local storage. When you user refreshes the page the items saved to local storage will populate to their correct day.
No known bugs