This repository implements AC-GAN both with classical GAN and WGAN-GP loss functions. I created this repository to create GAN models and evaluate their performance for single cell RNA-seq datasets. AC-GAN is implemented to make use of cell type both in training and generating novel samples. AC-GAN modification allows generator to generate cells from specific cell types.
For evaluation I used PCA plots, t-SNE plots and a measure to compare marker gene expression of generated samples with real samples.
The repository also provides a systematic way for grid search over the hyperparameter space. Models and generated samples are logged regularly over epochs for evaluation during hyperparameter tuning.
Specify the hyperparameters and the location of dataset in
config = {
"data_path": ["/home/halilbilgin/data/alphabeta_joint_500/"], # the location of train.npy and train_labels.npy
"log_transformation": [0], # whether log transformation will be done before training or not
"scaling": ["minmax"], # minmax, standard (z-score) or none scaling before training
"d_hidden_layers": [[1500, 200], [120, 450]], # discriminator's hidden layer architecture
"g_hidden_layers": [[1000], [250, 500]], # generator's hidden layer architecture
"activation_function": ["tanh"], # activation function will be used in hidden layers
"leaky_param": [0.1], # alpha parameter if leaky ReLU is used
"learning_rate": [0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01], # learning rate that will be used
"learning_schedule": ['no_schedule', 'search_then_converge'], # learning schedule
"optimizer": [ 'Adam', 'Adadelta'], # optimizer
"wgan": [1], # whether the loss function is classical GAN or WGAN-GP
"z_dim": [100], # dimension of input noise given to generator
"mb_size": [40, 60, 80, 100], # minibatch size
"d_dropout": [0], # dropout applied to discriminator's hidden layers
"g_dropout": [0], # dropout applied to generator's hidden layers
"label_noise": [0] # label noise to (see )
args.epochs = 30 # total number of epochs
args.log_sample_freq = 5 # how frequent you want to log the samples? (e.g 5 epoch)
args.log_sample_size = 500 # how many samples should be generated from generator (e.g 500)
repeat = 3 # how many times do you want to repeat the same experiment?
Then, run
python --exp_dir /vol1/ibrahim/out/gene_500_batchsize
sbatch --exp_dir /vol1/ibrahim/out/gene_500_batchsize #if you use slurm
where --exp_dir specifies where the experiment should be located
When experiment run completely, you can execute:
python --exp_dir /vol1/ibrahim/out/gene_500_batchsize
to generate PCA plots, marker plots and index scores. All the results will be stored in /vol1/ibrahim/out/gene_500_batchsize/analysis/
config allows grid search. For example if you set "mb_size": [40, 60, 80, 100]
then all the possible minibatch sizes will run in a separate model. In the grid search configuration above, creates 256 different hyperparameter combinations (i.e. 2 possible d_hidden_layers, g_hidden_layers, learning_schedule, optimizer and 4 possible learning_rate & mb_size, 22224*4 = 256)
All the hyperparamter combinations created using grid search will be stored in a subfolder named with a random generated ID. For example, if the --exp_dir is /vol1/ibrahim/out/gene_500_batchsize then, a possible hyperparameter combination could be stored in the folder "/vol1/ibrahim/out/gene_500_batchsize/h_bn_BDBSUMVLWQ".
The ID's and hyperparameters are stored in config.json in the subfolder In addition, creates a results.csv where the ID, hyperparameters of the experiment with the ID and index stores are stored.
- train.npy
- train_labels.npy
- class_details.csv
train.npy -> The training dataset you will use should be saved either as npy or rds file. If it is rds, you should change args.IO to 'rds' in Rows should be samples, columns should represent features
train_labels.npy -> allows to use classes both in training and analysis. Columns represent labels in one-hot vector format.
class_details.csv-> columns represent: class name, marker gene and marker id (column number in train.npy)
A dataset I used in the presentation is located in data/alpha_beta_joint_500
Below is command line way of creating and running an experiment of which hyperparameter configuration file is saved as a JSON file.
You can access the files used in my presentation from out folder of this repo.
In the out/slides_3layers/exp.json, replace the data path with the absolute data path in your computer and use that absolute path in the commands as well.
python create_experiments -cfg /home/.../scRNAGAN/out/slides_3layers/exp.json -epath /home/.../scRNAGAN/out/slides_3layers/
python -epath /home/.../scRNAGAN/out/slides_3layers/ -repeat 4 -epochs 30 -l_freq 5 -l_size 500
python -exp_dir /home/.../scRNAGAN/out/slides_3layers/
from libraries.analysis import Analysis
analysis = Analysis('/home/.../scRNAGAN/out/slides_3layers/h_bn_BDBSUMVLWQ')
results = analysis.differential_gene_expression(20)
results variable stores the percentage of differentially expressed genes for each cell type of generated samples in 20th epoch.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
Tensorflow >= 1.3
Enum34 (for python 2.7)
rpy2(optional, for differential gene expression analysis)