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A PWA with some tools for playing D20 based role playing games.

You can use these tools live at


D20 Tools features:

  • A Dice Roller which allows you to roll any die required for playing D20 based games.
  • A scalable Game Grid which can help organize combats.


d20-tools is built using

Everything can be installed using npm. To get started you need to have a working installation of nodejs and npm.


$ npm i

to install all dependencies. Run

$ npm start

to launch the webpack dev server, then open localhost:9999 in your favorite browser.

Generating the icons

The icon is maintained as icon.svg. To generate a PNG version, we use inkscape with the following command:

$ inkscape icon.svg -w 48 --export-filename public/icon.png
$ inkscape icon.svg -w 32 --export-filename public/favicon.png

Make sure to commit the generated files to git when changing the SVG.


This project is licensed under the Apache License V2.