We have deployed Prow at https://prow.halo.run/.
Please see command-help to learn how to use Prow to automate Halo development experience.
Bring Up Kubernetes Cluster Using KubeKey
kk create cluster
Deploy OpenEBS
make -C config/prow deploy-openebs
Deploy Ingress Controller
make -C config/prow deploy-ingress-controller
Deploy Cert Manager
make -C config/prow deploy-certmanager
Deploy Load Balancer
make -C config/prow deploy-metallb
Create GitHub Secrets
kubectl create secret generic github-token --from-file=cert=my-prow-test.2022-03-11.private-key.pem --from-literal=appid=179827 --from-file=token=bot-access-token --dry-run=client -oyaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl create secret generic hmac-token --from-file=hmac=github-webhook-secret --dry-run=client -oyaml | kubectl apply -f -
Deploy Prow
make -C config/prow deploy-prow