Tools developed as part of analysis for the manuscript "Polycomb repressive complex 1 shapes the nucleosome landscape but not accessibility at target genes."
Please contact or with questions or problems.
Requirements differ between scripts but most involve the use of:
- samtools
- BEDtools
- st
For nucleosome feature annotation, output from the following may be required.
- DANPOS2 (used for MNase-seq nucleosome analysis)
- NucleoATAC (used for ATAC-seq nucleosome analysis)
Where list of files is used, tab-limited format is required as
file.bam filename
Used to annotate 3/4 column .bed file using HOMER's and convert it to 9 column .gff file.
Converts 9 column .gff file to tab-delimited table for use in R or other database packages.
Intersects GFF intervals with .bed file and annotates overlap as TRUE/FALSE. Requires BEDtools.
Annotates GFF file intervals with read counts or reads per kilobase per million (RPKM) from a list of indexed bam files. Requires samtools.
Annotates intervals in GFF file with mean coverage for bedgraph files in a provided list. Requires BEDtools.
Annotates intervals in GFF file with Percent Methylation using HOMER TagDirectories made from Bismark-derived bisulfite cytosine.cov files. Requires HOMER.
Annotates intervals in GFF file with median and average fragment sizes of paired-end ATAC-seq reads. Requries samtools, st.
Annotates GFF file with statistics of nucleosome fuzziness score calculated by DANPOS2 dpos. Requires a list of .smooth.positions.xls outputs from DANPOS2 with corresponding sample names. NB. Not to be used with differential DANPOS2 files ie ref_adjust or integrative.xls. Requires BEDtools, st, DANPOS2 output.
Annotates GFF file with statistics of distances between nucleosome positions identified using DANPOS2 dpos command. Requires a list of .smooth.positions.xls outputs from DANPOS2 with corresponding sample names. NB. Not to be used with differential DANPOS2 files ie ref_adjust or integrative.xls. Requires BEDtools, st, DANPOS2 output.
Annotates GFF file with statistics of nucleosome summit occupancy calculated by DANPOS2 dpos. Requires a list of .smooth.positions.xls outputs from DANPOS2 with corresponding sample names. NB. Not to be used with differential DANPOS2 files ie ref_adjust or integrative.xls. Requires BEDtools, st, DANPOS2 output.
Annotates GFF file with statistics of distances between nucleosome positions identified using NucleoATAC. Requires a list of nucmap_combined.bed outputs from NucleoATAC with corresponding sample names. Requires BEDtools, st, NucleoATAC output.
Annotates GFF file with statistics of nucleosome fuzziness score calculated by NucleoATAC. Requires a list of nucpos.bed outputs from NucleoATAC with corresponding sample names. Requires BEDtools, st, NucleoATAC output.