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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Acknowledgments

About The project

This repository contains implemented solution for kerberos authentification in web context. A server expose files that are protected and shouldn't be accessible unless the user is authenticated. This project is implemented on LINUX machines using the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS distribution.

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Built With

  • Python, the widely used interpreted language.
  • Flask, micro framework open-source de développement web en Python. the python micro-framework for wen developpement.

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What is Kerberos

Kerberos is an AAA authentication protocol from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) ”Athena” project. it is responsible for authenticating, authorizing, and monitoring users who want to access resources and services on your network thus the correspondance with the three-headed dog guardian of the gates of Hades in the greek mythology.
kerberos introduces the principle of Single Sign-On (SSO). Thus with a single authentication, the user will have access to all the services of the network. it relies on a trusted third party to manage authentication, the KDC (Key Distribution Center). All users and services on the network trust this third party.
Kerberos uses a ticket system to perform authentication and introduces the principle of SSO (Single Sign On). The user authenticates on the KDC and then uses a ticket to authenticate on each requested service. ( no password sending via network).

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Getting Started

In order to run this project, we need to follow some few steps :


  • Make sure that you have a virtualization software.In this demo i used Oracle VM VirtualBox ( Download Here).
  • Make sure you have 2 linux machines with the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS distribution ( Download Here).
  • Make sure you have python3 and pip on the server machine.
  sudo apt update
  sudo apt install python3
  sudo apt install python3-pip

Kerberos Configuration

1. Environnement

In order to proceed with the configurations we need to have a :

  • Domain name : ""
  • Realm : "EXAMPLE.TN"
  • Two machines :
Machine Name Machine IP Sub-domain name

machines IP's are just an example, use hostname -I to get each machine ip.
All the configurations must be done in root mode, use su - to connect as root.

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2. DNS (Domain name system)

Used to match domain name to their IP's.

nano /etc/hosts

and add (for each machine) :       kdc    server

then set the hostname (for each machine) :

Machine Name set new hostname
KDC hostnamectl set-hostname
server hostnamectl set-hostname

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3. Time Synchronization

When the client obtains a ticket from Kerberos, it includes in its message the current time of day. One of the three parts of the response from Kerberos is a timestamp issued by the Kerberos server.

3.1. on the KDC install ntp:

apt install ntp

then edit the /etc/ntp.conf and add the lines below under the # local users may interrogate the ntp server more closely section:

restrict ::1
restrict mask
nomodify notrap
server stratum 10
listen on *

3.2. on the server install ntp and ntpdate:

apt install ntp
apt install ntpdate

then edit the /etc/ntp.conf and add the lines below under the # Use Ubuntu's ntp server as a fallback section:

server obelix

3.3. Synchronize time by running the below command on the server machine:

ntpdate -dv

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4. Configure KDC

4.1. We need to install the packages krb5-kdc, krb5-admin-server and krb5-config by running :

apt install krb5-kdc krb5-admin-server krb5-config

During installation you will be prompted to enter the realm, kerberos server and administartive server and it would be in order:

Prompt value
Kerberos servers
Administrative Service

Its capital sensitive.
View kdc settings with cat /etc/krb5kdc/kdc.conf.
The error failed to start kerberos 5 .. will not be a problem.

4.2 Now we need to add kerberos database where principals will be stored


You will be prompted to choose a password.

4.3 we will create an admin principal , a host principal and generate its keytab:

  • principal: a unique identity to which Kerberos can assign tickets.
  • keytab: stores long-term keys for one or more principals and allow server applications to accept authentications from clients, but can also be used to obtain initial credentials for client applications. run the following commands:
kadmin.local                              # login as local admin
addprinc root/admin                       # add admin principal
addprinc -randkey host/     # add host principal
ktadd host/                 # generate host principal keytab

type q to exit.

4.3 Grant the admin principal all privileges by editing /etc/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl:

root/admin *                              # just uncomment the line

4.4 restart the kerberos service by running:

systemctl restart krb5-admin-server
systemctl status krb5-admin-server        # to check service status

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5. Configure Server

5.1. We need to install the packages krb5-user, libpam-krb5 and libpam-ccreds by running:

apt install krb5-user libpam-krb5 libpam-ccreds

During installation you will be prompted to enter the realm, kerberos server and administartive server and it would be in order:

Prompt value
Kerberos servers
Administrative Service

Its capital sensitive.
View krb settings with cat /etc/krb5.conf.

5.2 we will create a host principal and generate its keytab by running:

kadmin                                       # login as admin (type your password)
addprinc -randkey host/     # add host principal
ktadd host/                 # generate host principal keytab

type q to exit.

5.3 Add a test user and create a correspending principal by running:

useradd -m -s /bin/bash testUser
addprinc testUser

type q to exit.

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Flask Configuration

We install flask nn the server machine by running:

pip install Flask

Then we need to install the Flask_kerberos module by running:

pip install Flask-Kerberos

If an error occured run apt install libkrb5-dev then restart the Flask_kerberos module.
If it still persists, check your gcc installation.

Then we need to install the Flask_bootstrap module by running:

pip install flask_bootstrap

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  1. Clone the repo in the server

    git clone
  2. Login as root by running su -.

  3. set the KRB5_KTNAME variable that references the keytab:

export KRB5_KTNAME=/etc/krb5.keytab

To visualize your keytab, run the ktutil as root.

?                         # list all commands
read_kt /etc/krb5.keytab  # read keytab file
list                      # show principals
  1. Turn all scripts executable by running chmod 755

There are 5 scripts:,,,,

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Before running the main app script you need to change hostname in each script to the one you chose

Script line 99 8 8 8

run the main app script by the command ./ as root and you should see in the terminal that the server is running.

# some informations
running on


The routes of the flask api.

Route protected description
/ ✖️ return a description about the project
/home ✔️ return the list of files under the files directory
/path/path ✔️ return the content of the selected file
/ ✔️ add any number or lines to a selected file
/deleteline/path/path ✔️ delete a line from a selected file
/test/home ✖️ same as /home but with no protection
/test/path:path ✖️ same as /<path:path> but with no protection

The /test routes are for visualization on firefox


They help creating requests to the routes without needing a front end. They are based on the python requests module.

Script parameters description route_name (ex: home) check if a route is protected. if not return the response route_name (ex: home) uses kerberos ticket to access a route and return response or return error file_path list_lines (ex: files/file1.txt hallo) add a line to a file, kerberos ticket must exists file_path line_number (ex: files/file2.txt 2) delete a line from a file (start = 0), kerberos ticket must exists

Kerberos scenario

test a scenario by running the following commands:

su testUser                   # login as the test user (use another shell then the one where the app is running)
./check_route /               # return response content and status code 200.
./check_route home            # return status code 401 : unauthorized and it asks for negotiation.
./ home           # return a kerberos.GSSErro because it can't find kerberos credentials.
  • We must generate a ticket so we use the command kinit.

To verify the ticket we can run klist. It shows that it is of type krbtgt/.. (kerberos ticket granting ticket).

  • TGT: a user authentication token issued by the Key Distribution Center (KDC) that is used to request access tokens from the Ticket Granting Service (TGS) for specific resources/systems joined to the domain.

To destroy the ticket we can run kdestroy.

  • Now we try to negotiate
./ home           # return response content (list of files) and status code 200.

When we run klist. It shows that a TGS is created (kerberos ticket granting service).

  • TGS: provides tickets and Ticket Granting Tickets to the client systems. Ticket Granting Tickets contain the client ID, the client network address, the ticket validity period, and the Ticket Granting Server session key which is used to access service without password exchanging. let try adding lines and deleting them by running these commands:
./ files/file1.txt                 # return content of file1 and status code 200.
./ files/file1.txt hallo there     # add two lines "hallo" and "there" to file1.txt.
./ files/file1.txt 2            # delete the line of index 2 from file1.

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A list of resources which are helpful and would like to give credit to:


Using kerberos authentification and flask






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