This website was created by Hannah Thompson and Sarah Piekarski as the final project of CS 4640. It includes login and account creation, self defense content in the forms of videos and curriculum, and the ability to post and read user testimonials.
Login and account creation was implemented in php, utilizing XAMPP and phpMyAdmin to place and draw from login information in our mySQL database. Error messaging was implented using Angular. Once a user was properly logged in a session key was created to keep them logged in and a POST request would send them to the home page. A user could end their session with the logout button.
In the home page you can see our overall design implementation. Using html, bootstrap, and custom CSS to create our layout and menu.
The video pages pull from an XML file with all of the youtube links to our self defense videos, and also feature breadcrumbs to help user better navigate the site.
The curriculum pages also oull from an XML and links to the video pages for easier data discovery.
Testimonials were stored and pulled from a mySQL database using phpMyAdmin through XAMPP. Users are able to write their own testimonials, read those of others, and delete and edit their own testimonials as desired.