Our design to build new LLM-generated datasets. It includes 4 major tasks and each task has 3 topics. Each topics have 2,000 ChatGPT and 2,000 human. (1 Naive version, 1 human-imitation version?)
News generation.
Product (Amazon) / Movie (IMDb) Review.
Creative writing: ivypanda essays, dataset link) ASAP dataset (only 8 prompts)
Question Answer from HC-3.
Our overleaf link: https://www.overleaf.com/8822696486dnqvwmwfkfbn
News dataset is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yidALJz2C7DBS_vwOpD1DT2TrxJFXQEt/view?usp=sharing
Download the IMDb Movie Dataset , to find movie infomration.
Awesome ChatGPT Prompts: https://github.com/f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts
You can make API requests one by one. However, to make it faster, you can try the api_request_parallel_processor.py file to make the requests at scale. But you need to follow the instructions in the api_request_parallel_processor.py file. Remember to use "max_tokens" to limit the length of each output to avoid high cost. This requires to make a jsonl file. To easily write a jsonl file, you can follow the example in example.py. Then you can query the api_request_parallel_processor.py:
python api_request_parallel_processor.py --requests_filepath data.jsonl --request_url https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions