Calculate FFT values based on iOS CoreMotion accelerometer data.
Huge shout-out to this StackOverflow which provided the core-algorithm used to calculate FFT values.
This is an example project containing the FFTCalculator
library I wrote to wrap the FFT-functionality.
Here is an example usage (Obj-C):
#import "FFTCalculator.h"
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// Initialize calculator with frame size
FFTCalculator *fftCalculator = [[FFTCalculator alloc] initWithFrameSize:256];
// Check if the CoreMotion sensor is available (= FFTCalculator is supported)
if (![fftCalculator isSupported]) {
NSLog(@"Error: FFTCalculator not supported due to device restrictions");
NSLog("@Please run this project on the device to use the CoreMotion sensor.");
// Start updates
[fftCalculator startUpdatesWithCalculationHandler:^(NSArray<NSNumber *> * _Nullable values, float mean, NSError * _Nullable error) {
NSLog(@"\nFourier values: %@", values);
NSLog(@"Fourier mean-value: %f", mean);
// Stop updates
[fftCalculator stopUpdates];
Hans Knöchel