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Terraform download utility


Welcome to the tfget repo. This bash command line utility fetches Terraform binaries and symlinks them to /usr/local/bin/terraform.



$ tfget --help

  Usage: /usr/local/bin/tfget <TERRAFORM_VERSION>

    -c              Clean up symlinks and temp files
    -i              Install specified version(s) of Terraform. Multiple versions
                    can be specified using a comma-seperated string. Example:
    -l              List currently installed versions
    -p              Preinstall binary but do not symlink it after installation.
                    Default behavior symlinks binary to '/usr/local/bin/terraform'
    -s              Symlink specified <version> to '/usr/local/bin/terraform'

    -h, --help      shows this help menu

  This script downloads the Terraform version passed into it and symlinks the
  binary to '/usr/local/bin/terraform'.


Additionally, a Makefile has been included in this repo to assist with common development-related functions. I've included the following make targets for convenience:

Available targets:

  clean                               Clean everything
  clean/docker                        Clean docker build images
  docker                              Docker lint, build and run image
  docker/build                        Docker build image
  docker/lint                         Lint Dockerfile
  docker/push                         Docker push image
  docker/run                          Docker run image
  help                                Help screen
  help/all                            Display help for all targets
  help/short                          This help short screen
  lint                                Run all linters, validators, and security analyzers
  lint/shellcheck                     Bash linter