scGEM is a nested tree-structured generative model that identifies subtype-specific and -shared gene coexpressing modules (GEMs) in scRNAseq data.
v0.1.4: enable setting species
in initTree
Currently, scGEM works on MAC/Linux. For faster implementation on M1 or M2 MAC, you need to switch your built-in BLAS library to Apple's vecLib. (
Note: if the Error in Lazy database
pops up, try .rs.restartR()
. For more information, please see (r-lib/devtools#1980).
To test the scGEM performance, we will use processed peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) 3K dataset as our toy case.
library(scGEM) <- LoadData("pbmc3k", type = "")
X <-$RNA@counts
# you can use raw count/log2/or other normalized data for the input
# just make it non-negative and no NAs in the sparse matrix
X@x <- log2(X@x + 1) # log-transform the count data
# for binary learning
# X@x <- ifelse(X@x > 0, 1, 0)
# assuming create a 5-4-3 tree structure
scGEM_init <- initTree(
num_topics = c(5, 4, 3),
blacklist_genes = "^MT|^RP|^HSP|B2M|MALAT1",
rm.housekeeping_genes = TRUE
For one-batch training, please set the batch_size
equals to the sample size:
# one-batch
scGEM_trained <- minibatchInfer(
model_paras = list(b0 = 0.01,
g1 = 5,
g2 = 1,
g3 = 1/3,
g4 = 2/3),
max_est = 50,
subtree_size = c(1, 20),
batch_size = ncol(X),
n_epoch = 50,
learning_rate = 0.01
For mini-batch training (recommended), please do:
# mini-batch
scGEM_trained_mb <- minibatchInfer(
model_paras = list(b0 = 0.01,
g1 = 5,
g2 = 1,
g3 = 1/3,
g4 = 2/3),
max_est = 50,
subtree_size = c(1, 20),
batch_size = 1000,
n_epoch = 50,
learning_rate = 0.01
Compare the total likelihood during each epoch in one-batch and mini-batch modes.
# total likelihood
plot(scGEM_trained$likelihood, col = "blue", type = "b",
ylab = "Likelihood", xlab = "Epoch")
points(scGEM_trained_mb$likelihood, col = "red", type = "b")
legend("bottomright", legend = c("One-batch", "Mini-batch"),
lty = 1, col = c("blue", "red"))
To get the raw values:
gene_over_gem <- scGEM_trained_mb$centroids # 10640 x 85
gem_over_cell <- scGEM_trained_mb$count_matrix # 85 x 2638
tree_relation <- scGEM_trained_mb$tree # 86 x 2
gene_name <- scGEM_trained_mb$gene
cell_name <- scGEM_trained_mb$cell
gem_name <- paste0("GEM", 1:85)
rownames(gene_over_gem) <- gene_name
colnames(gene_over_gem) <- gem_name
rownames(gem_over_cell) <- gem_name
colnames(gem_over_cell) <- cell_name
To get a relative proportion like in other topic models:
gene_over_gem <- apply(gene_over_gem, 2, function(x) x/sum(x))
gem_over_cell <- apply(gem_over_cell, 2, function(x) x/sum(x))
Plot gene distribution for GEM 1
barplot(sort(gene_over_gem[, 1], decreasing = T), ylab = "weight", xlab = "gene", main = "GEM 1")
Plot GEM distribution for the 100th cell
barplot(gem_over_cell[, 100], ylab = "weight", xlab = "GEM",
main = "100th cell: AAGATTACCGCCTT")