This is a personal fork of Eclipse EE4J CargoTracker, I'm also a contributor of the CargoTracker project.
For the detailed introduction to the CargoTracker project, go to the upstream project website:
There are some highlights when comparing to the upstream project.
- Utilize Docker to run a Postgres Database in both development and production to erase the risk brought by different environments.
- Add support to run application on WildFly.
- Add several fine-grained Maven profiles for varied Arquillian Container adapters, which is derived from Jakarta EE 10 template project.
- Replace Primefaces with simple Bootstrap css style and plain Facelets templates, clean up and reorganize all Facelets templates.
- Add a plenty of testing codes to cover more use cases.
- Add GitHub Actions workflows to build the project and run testing codes, and generate code quality report via Jacoco, SonarCloud.
I have also ported the original Cargotracker regapp which was written in Spring and Swing UI to Jakarta EE/CDI world, check the following projects.
- cargotracker-regapp: CDI/Weld + JavaFX
- quarkus-cargotracker-regapp: Quarkus + Quarkus FX Extension/JavaFX
- Java 21
- Apache Maven 3.9.0
- Git
- Docker
- GlassFish v7 or WildFly 30+
There is a docker-compose.yaml file available in the project root folder.
In your terminal, switch to the project root folder, and run the following command to start a Postgres instance in Docker container.
docker compose up postgres
Run the following command to run the application on GlassFish v7 using cargo maven plugin.
mvn clean package cargo:run -Pglassifsh
Run the following command to run the application on WildFly using the official WildFly maven plugin.
mvn clean wildfly:run -Pwildfly
When the application is deployed sucessfully, open your browser, go to http://localhost:8080/cargo-tracker
Cargo Tracker's testing is done using JUnit and Arquillian.
There are several Maven profiles configured for running the testing codes against varied Arquillian Container adapters.
Note: Before running the Arquillian integration tests, make sure there is a running Postgres database ready for test, check the Build section for more details.
Open a terminal window, execute the following command to run Arquillian tests against Payara Managed Adapter.
mvn clean verify -Parq-glassfish-managed
Or run this command instead to run tests against a Glassfish Remote adapter.
Note: Make sure there is a running Glassfish server on your local machine.
mvn clean verify -Parq-glassfish-remote
Run the following command to run Arquillian tests against WildFly Managed Adapter.
mvn clean verify -Parq-wildfly-managed
// or run on a remote WildFly server
mvn clean verify -Parq-wildfly-remote
More details about the Arquillian adapter's configuration, go to Jakarta EE 9 template project or Jakarta EE 10 template project, and follow this comprehensive guide to research them yourself.