The Variational Multiscale Incompressible Navier--Stokes Toolkit: A small Python module with re-usable functionality for solving the Navier--Stokes equations in FEniCS, using a variational multiscale (VMS) formulation.
This module was originally written to support the following paper, submitted to a special issue on open-source software for partial differential equations:
title = "Open-source immersogeometric analysis of fluid--structure interaction using {FEniCS} and {tIGAr}",
journal = "Computers \& Mathematics with Applications",
volume = "81",
pages = "634--648",
year = "2021",
note = "Development and Application of Open-source Software for Problems with Numerical PDEs",
issn = "0898-1221",
author = "D. Kamensky"
VarMINT is intentionally light-weight, and mainly intended to avoid needless duplication of UFL code defining the VMS formulation in different applications. A more comprehensive FEniCS-based flow solver using a similar VMS formulation is described by Zhu and Yan here.