- This poject try to train AI with different algorithms to play Tic Tac Toe.
- Classification
- K-nearest neighbors algorithm (KNN)
- Support Vector Mahcine with Linear kernel (Linear-SVM)
- Support Vector Mahcine with RBF kernel (RBF-SVM)
- Multilayer perceptron (MLP)
- Multilayer perceptron trained parameters by genetic algorithm (GA-MLP)
- Regression
- Linear regression
- Classifiers.py: classifier program for all classification models
- Regressors.py: regressor program for all regression models
- PlayTicTacToe.py: play Tic Tac Toe with all trained models.
- GA_ClfMLP_singleLabel.py: implement genetic algorithms to find best MLP parameters.
- TrainedCVresults: all trained CV records with different parameters.
- TrainedParameters: all trained models' parameters.
- RecordConfusionMatrix&Accuracy: all trained models' accuracy and confusion matrix.
- GameParameters: trained models' with the best parameters for playing Tic Tac Toe.
- ClassifiersRes4AllModels.xslx: all trained models' training accuracy and testing accuracy.
- RegressorsRes4AllModels.xslx: all trained models' training accuracy and testing accuracy.
- Noise_ClassifiersRes4AllModels.xslx: all trained models' training accuracy and testing accuracy with adding noise.
- Reduce9by10_ClassifiersRes4AllModels.xslx: all trained models' training accuracy and testing accuracy with reducing dataset.
- GA_ClfMLP_singleLabelResults.xlsx: Results of GA-MLP classification model for single model.
- Please run the PlayTicTacToe.py program in 64 bits version of python. (Important.)
- Otherwise, the errors will be occured like (ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch...)