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Scaling Graph Processing on HBM-enabled FPGAs with Heterogeneous Pipelines

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ReGraph: Scaling Graph Processing on HBM-enabled FPGAs with Heterogeneous Pipelines


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The Figure above shows the overview of ReGraph workflow.

  • Step 1: To obtain a custumized accelerator design for a graph application, developers only need to write user-defined functions (UDFs) of three stages of a GAS model with the provided programminginterface.
  • Step 2: ReGraph then takes the UDFs, accelerator templates and platform specific optimizations to generate a set of synthesizable codes for accelerators with all possible pipeline combinations.
  • Step 3: The synthesizable codes are compiled to bitstreams using the Xilinx Vitis toolchain. After that, users assign the graph for acceleration.
  • Step 4: ReGraph reorders vertices based on their in-degrees and partitions the graph. Then, the task scheduler with the built-in graph-aware task scheduling method selects the accelerator with the most suitable numbers of Big and Little pipelines and generates the scheduling plan.
  • Step 5: ReGraph deploys the selected accelerator and runs on the target FPGA.

Programming Interface

With ReGraph, users can implement different graph accelerators by only writing three high-level functions: accScatter(), accGather() and accApply(). By default, we provide you three build-in graph algorithms, PageRank (PR), Breadth-First Search (BFS) and Closeness Centrality (CC) as examples. The desired application can be compiled by passing argument APP=[the algorithm] to make command.

Accelerator generation

The number of little pipelines and big pipelines are configurable. You can change them in ./ by modifying LITTLE_KERNEL_NUM and BIG_KERNEL_NUM. Please note, due to the limited memory ports, for U280, the total number of pipelines, i.e., LITTLE_KERNEL_NUM + BIG_KERNEL_NUM should not exceed 14, for U50, the total number of pipelines should not exceed 13.

You can also specify which SLR you want to put kernels in, and which banks you want to let each kernel access, in the file ./autogen/ There are three configurable variables: apply_kernel_hbm_id, all_kernels_slr_id and all_kernels_hbm_id. Please note, due to limited URAMs, for U50, the LITTLE_KERNEL_DST_BUFFER_SIZE and BIG_KERNEL_DST_BUFFER_SIZE should be reduced by half, i.e., 32768 and 262144, respectively.

After configurations, run make autogen to generate the synthesizable accelerators and the connectivity files. Below is a detailed example to config 11 little pipelines and 3 big pipelines.

Step 1 (MUST DO): modify the ./ specify the number of each kind of pipelines

#Little kernel setup 
#Big kernel setup 

Step 2 (OPTIONAL): modify the ./autogen/ config slr id and hbm id. Kindly note HBM bank 30 of U280 and HBM bank 27 of U50 are reserved for outdegree, please avoid using these two banks. For U280, we recommend you use HBM bank 0 to 29, for U50, we recommend you use HBM bank 0 to 26. To have better timing and avoid routing congestion, please assign the kernels evenly among SLRs.

# configurable hbm wrapper bank id (for vertex properties)
#                         little pipeline vetex properties     |   big pipeline vetex properties
wrapper_kernel_hbm_id  = [1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,             23,25,27]

# configurable little and big wrapper bank id (for edges)
#                                little pipeline vetex edges   |   big pipeline vetex properties
little_and_big_kernels_hbm_id = [0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,      22,24,26]

# configurable little and big kernels slr id
#                                each little pipeline's SLR    |   each big pipeline's SLR
little_and_big_kernels_slr_id = [0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,            2,1,2]


The desired device can be specified by passing argument DEVICES=[the device] to make command. If not specified, the default platform is U280. The below table is for quick reference.

Argument Devices
DEVICES=xilinx_u280_xdma_201920_3 Alveo U280
DEVICES=xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3 Alveo U50


The table below shows the details of used graph datasets, including synthetic graphs and real-world large-scale graphs. Because the dataset is too large, we only provide the dataset generator. Run the ./dataset/rmat.m file to generate the rmat-19-32.txt.

Graphs # of vertex # of edge Average degree Type Categories
rmat-19-32 (R19) 524.3K 16.8M 32 Directed Synthetic
rmat-21-32 (R21) 2.1M 67.1M 32 Directed Synthetic
rmat-24-16 (R24) 16.8M 268.4M 16 Directed Synthetic
graph500-scale23 (G23) 4.6M 258.5M 56 Directed Synthetic
web-google (GG) 916.4K 5.1M 6 Directed Web
amazon-2008 (AM) 735.3K 5.2M 7 Directed Social
web-hudong (HD) 2.0M 14.9M 7 Directed Web
web-baidu-baike (BB) 2.1M 17.8M 8 Directed Web
wiki-topcats (TC) 1.8M 28.5M 16 Directed Web
pokec-relationships (PK) 1.6M 30.6M 19 Directed Social
soc-flickr-und (FU) 1.7M 31.2M 9 Undirected Social
wikipedia-20070206 (WP) 3.6M 45.0M 13 Directed Web
liveJournal (LJ) 4.8M 68.9M 14 Undirected Social
ca-hollywood-2009 (HW) 1.1M 112.6M 53 Undirected Collabo.
dbpedia-link (DB) 18.3M 172.2M 9 Directed Social
orkut (OR) 3.1M 234.4M 38 Undirected Social

Run the code


  • The gcc-9.4
  • Tools:
    • Vitis 2020.2
  • Evaluated platforms from Xilinx:
    • Alveo U50 Data Center Accelerator Card
    • Alveo U280 Data Center Accelerator Card

Here is the example of implementing the accelerator for PageRank on Alveo U280 platform with Vitis 2020.2.

$ git clone https://path/to/github/repo.git
$ cd ./ReGraph
# config num of little pipelines (LITTLE_KERNEL_NUM) and num of little pipelines (BIG_KERNEL_NUM)
$ vim
# assign slrs and hbm banks for each kernel 
$ vim ./autogen/
# config target (TARGET), device (DEVICES), and algorithm (APP)
$ vim Makefile
# generate accelerator and connectivity files according to the specified configurations
$ make autogen
# make the host execution program and the FPGA bitstream. It takes time :)
$ make APP=pr all 
# For execution on real hardware. The path of graph dataset needs to be provided by the user. 
$ ./host_graph_fpga_pr xclbin_pr/*.xclbin ./dataset/rmat-19-32.txt 3


Scaling Graph Processing on HBM-enabled FPGAs with Heterogeneous Pipelines






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  • C++ 52.8%
  • Python 25.1%
  • C 11.8%
  • Shell 4.6%
  • Makefile 4.1%
  • Perl 1.0%
  • Other 0.6%