Implementation of log tracing in Java - Spring Boot, without using any other tracing libraries
- Java 8
- Spring boot 1.5.8
- Gradle 3.5
The module uses gradle as package manager and uses gradle wrapper to manage the gradle version Command line argument
./gradlew clean build
The above command compiles the java classes and creates a 'jar' file in the location
Once we have the jar file, we can run it using the below command
java -jar build/libs/traceid-1.0.0.jar
If the given build command doesn't work, run the following command to update the gradle wrapper
$ gradle wrapper --gradle-version 3.5
Without using the implementation of Tracing the log statement would look like:
2017-11-30 12:46:45.057 INFO 22309 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.s.p.t.c.RequestResponseFilter : API call: GET: /test
After the implementation, the log statements
2017-11-30 12:48:15.727 INFO [X-TRACE-ID: bb2942c5-4c1b-4693-85fc-eaa6cdc2aeed] 22476 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.s.p.t.c.RequestResponseFilter : API call: GET: /test
The pattern can be changed for custom text by modifying the FilterChain code and PostProcessor code in config folder