This package is in an alpha stage, and still in heavy development. APIs may change, and things may break.
At this time contributors and developers that are interested in tracking the development closely are encouraged to use it. If you'd prefer a more stable release, please hold on a bit and subscribe to the mailing list for news. It's in a pretty good state, so it shall not take too long.
These introductory videos demonstrate the use of Go QML:
- Initial demo and overview
- Initial demo running on an Ubuntu Touch phone
- Spinning Gopher with Go + QML + OpenGL
- SameGame QML tutorial in Go
Please join the mailing list for following relevant development news and discussing project details.
The introductory documentation as well as the detailed API documentation is available at
To try the alpha release you'll need:
- Go 1.2, for the C++ support of go build
- Qt 5.0.X or 5.1.X with the development files
- The Qt headers qmetaobject_p.h and qmetaobjectbuilder_p.h, for the dynamic meta object support
See below for more details about getting these requirements installed in different environments and operating systems.
After the requirements are satisfied, go get should work as usual:
go get
If you are using Ubuntu, the Ubuntu SDK will take care of the Qt dependencies:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk qtbase5-private-dev qtdeclarative5-private-dev libqt5opengl5-dev
and Go 1.2 may be installed using godeb:
$ # Pick the right one for your system: 386 or amd64
$ ARCH=amd64
$ wget -q$ARCH.tar.gz
$ tar xzvf godeb-$ARCH.tar.gz
$ sudo mv godeb /usr/local/bin
$ godeb install 1.2
$ go get
After following the installation instructions for Ubuntu Touch, run the following commands to get a working build environment inside the device:
$ adb shell
# cd /tmp
# wget
# /bin/bash
# su - phablet
At the end of, the phablet user will have GOPATH=$HOME in the environment, the qml package will be built, and the particle example will be built and run. For stopping it from the command line, run as the phablet user:
$ upstart-app-stop
for running it again:
$ upstart-app-launch
These commands depend on the following file, installed by
On Mac OS X you'll need gcc (not a symlinked clang, as it complains about -std=c++11
), and
must specify the CXX
environment variables.
Something along these lines should be effective:
$ brew tap homebrew/versions
$ brew install gcc48 qt5
$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=`brew --prefix qt5`/lib/pkgconfig
$ CXX=g++-4.8 go get
For Mac OS X Mavericks you may need to use brew install qt5 --HEAD
and check that QT5VERSION
is something reasonable like 5.2.0
, ls /usr/local/Cellar/qt5/HEAD/include/QtCore/ | grep '^5'
should also work.
On Windows you'll need the following:
- MinGW gcc 4.8.1 (install mingw-get and install the gcc from within the setup GUI)
- Qt 5.1.1 for MinGW 4.8
- Go 1.2rc1 for Windows
Then, assuming Qt was installed under C:\Qt5.1.1\
, set up the following environment variables in the respective configuration:
CPATH += C:\Qt5.1.1\5.1.1\mingw48_32\include
LIBRARY_PATH += C:\Qt5.1.1\5.1.1\mingw48_32\lib
PATH += C:\Qt5.1.1\5.1.1\mingw48_32\bin
After reopening the shell for the environment changes to take effect, this should work:
go get
If your operating system does not offer these dependencies readily, you may still have success installing Go 1.2rc1 and Qt 5.0.2 directly from the upstreams. Note that you'll likely have to adapt environment variables to reflect the custom installation path for these libraries. See the instructions above for examples.