The project titled Leave Management Portal is a leave management software for automating the process of applying for leave and keeping track of leaves taken by the faculty of a particular department. The project is developed in java, which mainly focuses on basic operations like- • Filling a leave application/application for encashment/application for maternity/paternity leave.
• Provision to take an extra class in case of absence of teaching staff taking the same section as that particular faculty who is on leave.
• A list of all the teachers who have filled the application for leave and authority for the HOD to either accept or reject the application.
To run the project,
- Download the database dump file, and store is under a particular schema in your database software.
- Download the following jar files and add them to your IDE a. Activation.jar b.mail.jar c. myql-connector.jar d. pop3.jar e. smtp.jar f. jcalendar.jar g. jdatepicker.jar
- Open the Java editor and run