A tool to solve MCDM problems using a hybrid AHP & TOPSIS method.
In this method, AHP is used to calculate the weights of the criteria and TOPSIS is used to rank the alternatives.
- Next JS
- React JS
- Tailwind CSS
- Clerk
- Planetscale
- Kysely
- D3 Hierarchy
- Shadcn (Partially)
- use-gesture (Partially)
- motion to utilise the Web Animations API
- Planetscale database. If you don't have a planetscale account, create one first.
- Clerk account
- follow the instructions from both planetscale & clerk and put the necessary secret keys in .env.local by following the example in .env.example. if you don't have .env.local file, you have to create it first.\
- run
pnpm install
\ - add this kysely-codegen as dev dependencies to mirror planetscale data type to typescript.
pnpm add -D github:harisraharjo/kysely-codegen#planetscale
- Push the database to planetscale. run
pnpm db:push
- Design
- Configure the absolute paths in deployment