To run the code:
- Make sure you have Apache Maven Setup (Refer here for guidance-
- Either clone to local or download as Zip and extract all files from the Zip.
- Open a terminal and open the project folder (NASAForFevo-main\NASAForFevo-main\NASAForFevo)
- In terminal type 'mvn spring-boot:run'
- OR
- In terminal type 'mvn install'
- Upon successful build completion, open the 'target' folder within the project folder (cd target)
- Use the following command to execute the code "java -jar NASAforFEVO-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"
- Once the service is up in your browser try to hit the following 2 endpoints:
Thank you for taking the time to go through my code, please do leave your feedback/comments