A python 2.x word guessing game called hangman. It randomly selects a word from a directory of words and shows dashes for each character within the word and an input box to ask the guesser to input his guess. If the guess comes out to be correct the corresponding dash is replaced by the guessed character. If not, the guesser loses an attempt.
The word to guess is represented by a row of dashes, representing each letter of the word. If the guessing player suggests a letter that occurs in the word, the other player writes it in all its correct positions. The player guessing the word may, at any time, attempt to guess the whole word. The guesser wins the game. On the other hand, if the other player makes enough incorrect guesses to allow his opponent to complete the no. of attempts, the game is also over, this time with the guesser losing.
This is one of my early starting projects that doesn't have much it can be directly runnable over CLI. Just double click if you have python 2.x installed and properly configured.
Python 2.x version