This example Django app shows you how you can use to built a site similar to Pinterest.
You can try the demo here. Alternatively you can deploy your own copy of the demo via Heroku.
The best way to try this application is via Heroku; you can deploy this example (for free) on Heroku by pressing the Deploy button below.
If you prefer to run this locally then make sure to follow the steps in the install file.
So we want the pins, comments and follows to show up in the user's feed. We start by installing stream_django
pip install stream_django
add stream_django to your INSTALLED_APPS
We indicate which models should be shared by using the Activity mixin.
class Pin(Activity, models.Model):
Now when users will add a pin it will automatically show up on the user feed. However to setup the newsfeed we also need to know who follows who.
feed_manager.follow_user(user_id, target_id)
This is all that's needed to setup the newsfeed. To retrieve the newsfeed we use the following code
def feed(request):
Items pinned by the people you follow
enricher = Enrich(request.user)
context = RequestContext(request)
feed = feed_manager.get_news_feeds(['flat']
if request.REQUEST.get('delete'):
activities = feed.get(limit=25)['results']
context['activities'] = enricher.enrich_activities(activities)
response = render_to_response('core/feed.html', context)
return response
The last bit of work is making sure the templates render nicely.
{% for activity in activities %}
{% render_activity activity %}
{% endfor %}
This will render the templates in