Replicates data from local kafka to main kafka cluster.
It uses sarama under the hood with group consumer and sync producer.
make build
to build binary file for linux.
make image
to build image hasansino/kafka-replicator:latest
usage: tsctl [<flags>]
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
--group="mirrormaker" The name of the consumer group
--topics="" The comma-separated list of topics to consume
--rewrite="" The rewrite rules (--rewrite="from-topic-name->to-topic-name,from-topic-name2->to-topic-name2")
--consume-brokers="" A comma-separated broker connection string (localhost:9092, localhost:9092)
--produce-brokers="" A comma-separated broker connection string (localhost:9092, localhost:9092)
--compression="none" The compression codec to be used by the producer (none, gzip, snappy, lz4)
--offset-initial="oldest" The initial offset method (oldest, newest)
--batch-size=10000 The maximum count of messages in batch request
--flush-interval=1s The flush interval in millisecond
--session-timeout=1m Kafka session timeout
--partitioner="roundrobin" partitioner to use (random, keyhash, roundrobin)