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kwijibo edited this page Sep 10, 2011 · 8 revisions

Trouble Shooting

This document shows several problems installing and running Foafpress. I would love to hear your feedback to get aware of errors. So please try to install Foafpress, thank you!

How Foafpress finds the RDF document that describes the Linked Data URI

The request URI should match the path to the document describing the resource (without the file extension).


To serve a response for

Install foafpress at {webroot}/foaf

Put at {webroot}/foaf/

(supported extensions are .tt .nt and .rdf)

the document should contain a description of itself - but there are different document URIs for each supported file extension. The easiest way to deal with this is to use relative path to the document, ie:

    <> a foaf:PersonalProfileDocument ;
       foaf:primaryTopic <> ;
       dc:title "My Personal Profile"@en .

So when is requested, <> is interpreted as <>

(With RDF/XML, use rdf:about="" on the element that describes the document)